BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080218T000000Z DTEND:20080219T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Willamette University in Salem\, Oregon\, will host events in r ecognition of Japanese American students whose studies were interrupted be cause of their World War II incarceration.\n\n<strong>Monday\, Feb. 18\, 2 008\, 4-6 p.m.</strong>\n"Stand up for Justice: The Ralph Lazo Story" and "From 9066 to 9/11"\nPaulus Lecture Hall\, College of Law\nFilm Screening and discussion with the filmmakers and local Japanese Americans affected b y 1942 Executive Order 9066. Ralph Lazo was a Latino teenager who boarded the train to the Manzanar World War II camp so that he could join his Nis ei friends. A catered reception will follow.\n\n<strong>Tuesday\, Feb. 19\ , 2008\, 4-6 p.m.</strong>\nHatfield Room\, Hatfield Library\nGuest speake r Shizue Seigel\, author of <em>In Good Conscience</em>\, will discuss cro ss-racial alliances for civil liberties during wartime. Siegel's book off ers portraits of two dozen citizens who spoke out against the country's no w admittedly wrong actions and examines how ordinary people can become adv ocates for justice and compassion.\n\n<strong>Tuesday\, Feb. 19\, 2008\, 7 :30 p.m.</strong>\n"Revisiting Willamette: A Sentimental Journey"\nHudson Hall\, Mary Stuart Rogers Music Center\nOregon's poet laureate\, Lawson I nada\, nationally noted poet who was incarcerated as a young boy\, will ke ynote the program with '40s era music performed by jazz musicians Nola Bog le\, Larry Nobori\, Rick Homer\, Gordon Lee and Andre St. James. This prog ram is also sponsored by the Portland Japanese American Citizens League.\n \nWillamette University\n900 State Street\, Salem Oregon 97301\n503-370-63 00\n<a href=""></a> DTSTAMP:20240611T114811Z SUMMARY:Day of Remembrance events in Salem\, Oregon URL:/en/events/2008/02/18/day-of-remembrance-events-salem/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR