BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050130T000000Z DTEND:20050130T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a href="">Moch itsuki 2005</a> is on Sunday\, January 30\, 2005\, 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM at Portland Community College\, Sylvania campus\, 12000 SW 49th Ave\, Portlan d\, Oregon.\n\n<!--Break-->\n<strong>Mochi Madness Performances</strong>\n Storyteller Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo\nPortland Taiko\nTanuki Taiko\nSahomi Ta chibana Japanese Dance (1:00 only)\nFujinami-Kai Japanese Dance (2:45 only ) \n\nAnd Free Cultural Fair\, running from noon-4:30 PM. Activities inclu de Mochi pounding\, ikebana\, calligraphy\, and hands-on activities for al l ages! Food and drink will be on sale.\n\nThe centerpiece of this New Yea r's celebration is the making of mochi\, or rice cakes. Mochi poundings at 12:30\, 2:15\, 2:45 PM. This ancient communal tradition brings families a nd friends together to share in the labor and auspicious bounty of the new year. Large\, heavy wooden mallets are hoisted overhead to pound steamed sweet rice grains into a smooth\, sticky dough. A cluster of nimble pinche rs waits nearby to form the dough into round cakes. Many Japanese American families make sure to begin the new year eating mochi.\n\nTwo Mochi Madne ss performances at 1:00 PM and 2:45 PM. Tickets: Adults $10\, Students/Se niors $7\, Children $4. Call Safeway TicketsWest at 1-800-992-8499 to orde r today! (tickets subject to service charge\, all sales final).\n\n DTSTAMP:20240603T162559Z SUMMARY:2005-01-30 Portland\, Oregon: Mochitsuki 2005 -- Mochi Madness at P ortland Community College URL:/en/events/2005/01/30/2005-01-30-portland-oregon-mochitsuki-2005----moc h/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR