BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060516T000000Z DTEND:20060516T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Attention baseball fans . . .Northsiders and Southsiders welcom e!\n \nPlease join us for an evening with Jay Feldman\nauthor of the novel Suitcase Sefton and the American Dream\n \nIn Suitcase Sefton and the Ame rican Dream\, Feldman tells the story of Mac “Suitcase” Sefton\, a sco ut for the New York Yankees\, who discovers a cannon-armed lefty named Jer ry Yamada at a Japanese American internment camp in Arizona during World W ar II. As Sefton schemes to get the pitcher released from the camp\, he is forced to confront his own conceptions of race\, culture\, and politics\, as he discovers the meaning of family and love. Through the filter of bas eball\, Suitcase Sefton and the American Dream addresses issues of persona l integrity\, racism\, internment\, and American dreams.\n \nThe author wi ll read and sign books at the JASC\nTuesday\, May 16\, 2006\n7:00 PM\n \nT he event is FREE and open to all.\n \nJASC\, 4427 N. Clark St.\, Chicago\, IL 60640\; 773.275.0097\n \nPreorder books today ($23) by contacting Deb bie Mieko Burns at <a></a>.\n \nThis event is co- sponsored by the Chicago Japanese American Historical Society and the Japa nese American Service Committee Legacy Center.\n \nJay Feldman is the auth or of the critically acclaimed When the Mississippi Ran Backwards: Empire\ , Intrigue\, Murder and the New Madrid Earthquakes. He is a widely publish ed freelance writer whose work has appeared in Sports Illustrated\, Newswe ek\, Smithsonian\, Gourmet\, The New York Times\, and a broad variety of o ther national\, regional and local publications. He has also written for t elevision and the stage. He is the author of HITTING: An Official Major L eague Baseball Book. His Web site is <a href="">ww</a>.\n DTSTAMP:20240603T054759Z SUMMARY:Suitcase Sefton and the American Dream (reading and book signing) URL:/en/events/2006/05/16/suitcase-sefton-reading/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR