BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20231026T000000Z DTEND:20231029T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Crystal City Pilgrimage\n <strong>October 26-29\, 2023</strong> \n<strong>San Antonio and Crystal City\, Texas</strong>\n<em><strong>\n</s trong> </em>\n<em>For more information\, please visit us at <a href="https ://">< /a> </em>\n<em><a href=""></a> </em> \n<em>Like our Facebook page <a href=" PilgrimageCo"></a> </em>\n <em><a href=""></a> </em>\ n<span style="font-weight: normal\;">This year’s Pilgrimage theme is “ <strong>Reaching Across Barbed Wire Fences</strong> ”. In addition to le arning about the unique history and stories of survivors of the Crystal Ci ty Internment Camp\, this year’s Pilgrimage will look at the legacy of s olidarity and activism between the internees and the present day Crystal C ity community.\n \n \n ** We look forward to <strong>two Special Ceremonie s</strong> to reveal: \n\n* A <strong>street named after two Japanese Peru vian girls\, Aiko Oyakawa and Sachiko Tanabe</strong> . The dear friends t ragically drowned in the Crystal City Camp Pool in 1944. They were both 10 years old.\n \n * A <strong>stunning Swimming Pool Memorial Monument</str ong> will be unveiled at the Crystal City Camp site . Created by the award winning Art Director &amp\; Designer\, <strong>Kazumu Julio Cesar Naganum a</strong> . Kaz’s work includes the San Francisco Japantown History Wal k\, the Alameda’s Tonarigumi Historic Japantown markers and the Enemy A lien Files traveling exhibit. Kaz is a Japanese Peruvian who was kidnappe d with his family and interned in the WWII Crystal City Internment Camp.\ n\n<span style="text-decoration: underline\;">Pilgrimage Program Schedule\ n<strong>Thursday\, October 26</strong> <span style="white-space: pre-wrap \;"> \n<p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;">Registration at 4:00 PM \n Meet &amp\; Greet Mixer (with a bingo game!) Includes a light dinner\n\n<p styl e="white-space: pre-wrap\;"><strong>Friday\, October 27 </strong> \n Openi ng Remarks \n Educational Workshops \n Includes hotel breakfast\, lunch an d dinner\n\n<p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;"><strong>Saturday\, October 28</strong> \n Pilgrimage to Crystal City \n Includes hotel breakfast\; lu nch\, dinner and story-sharing with friends of Crystal City\n Includes ADA bus travel to and from the Crystal City Pilgrimage\n\n<p style="white-spa ce: pre-wrap\;"><strong>Sunday\, October 29 </strong> \n Intergenerational /Intercultural Reflection Circles \n Includes hotel breakfast \n Closing Remarks 11:00 AM\n\n DTSTAMP:20240608T205954Z SUMMARY:2023 Crystal City Pilgrimage URL:/en/events/2023/10/26/2023-crystal-city-pilgrimage/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR