BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220127T000000Z DTEND:20220127T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Part of the Get to Know Japan: Kanagawa Series\n\nThursday\, Ja nuary 27 at 6:30 pm EST \n\nConsidered the “king of the ocean\,” <em >maguro</em> is the star of any sushi meal. At the historic Misaki Port i n Kanagawa\, Japan\, fishermen have been using their specialized knowledge to judge the quality of <em>maguro</em> by eye for generations. At this program\, Masamitsu Ishibashi\, president and CEO of Misaki Megumi Suisa n\, and Yuji Haraguchi\, owner of OSAKANA fish market in NYC\, present a primer on this high-quality tuna. Discover what makes <em>maguro</em> so exceptional\, get an inside look at Misaki Fish Market in Japan\, and hea r firsthand about recent developments in the Japanese and U.S. <em>maguro </em> markets. The program also includes a <em>maguro</em> cooking demo nstration. Moderated by journalist Akiko Katayama.\n\nProgram Details\nTh is is a free event with advance registration required. <em>Pay What You W ish</em> options are also available to support our innovative programs. T he program will be live-streamed through YouTube\, and registrants will re ceive the viewing link by email on the day before the event.\n\n<a href="h ttps://">https://www</a> DTSTAMP:20240607T231846Z SUMMARY:Maguro 101: Gourmet Tuna from Misaki Port URL:/en/events/2022/01/27/maguro-101-gourmet-tuna-from-misaki-port/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR