BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201218T000000Z DTEND:20201218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A neighborhood is made up of people and places. It is defined t hrough the experiences of those who consider it home. And it holds their h opes for the future and their memories of the past. In 2002\, the exhibiti on\,&nbsp\;<a href=" htm" target="_blank">Boyle Heights: The Power of Place</a>\, celebrated th ese experiences and memories of Boyle Heights\, a vibrant\, multiethnic\, and multicultural Los Angeles neighborhood. The short film\,&nbsp\;<em>Cro ssroads: Boyle Heights</em>&nbsp\;(2002)\, was produced for the exhibition to highlight the voices and faces of this Boyle Heights community. Join p roducers and curators&nbsp\;<strong>Sojin Kim</strong>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<st rong>Claudia Sobral</strong>\, along with Chicano Artivista&nbsp\;<strong> Quetzal Flores</strong>\, musician\, writer\, and producer&nbsp\;<strong>R ub&eacute\;n Funkahuatl Guevara</strong>\, and JANM VP of Exhibitions and Art Director&nbsp\;<strong>Clement Hanami</strong>&nbsp\;for a retrospecti ve Q&amp\;A about the short film and exhibition.\n\n<em>About the Film</em >: The neighborhood of Boyle Heights is located just east of downtown betw een the Los Angeles River and the city boundary. It has been home to peopl e who have come to Los Angeles from different cities\, states\, and countr ies and who brought with them their diverse beliefs\, traditions and langu ages. Through the stories of past and present neighborhood residents\,&nbs p\;<em>Crossroads: Boyle Heights</em>&nbsp\;(2002) explores how the experi ences and memories of many generations of Angelenos intersect in this powe rful place. Produced by John Esaki\, Claudia Sobral\, and Sojin Kim.\n\n<e m>Crossroads</em>&nbsp\;is available to stream starting December 4th on JA NM&rsquo\;s YouTube Channel. <strong><a href=" h?v=UnMUXeXKFR4" target="_blank">WATCH HERE</a></strong>\n<strong><a href= "\;" target ="_blank"></a></strong>\nClick on the button below to watch the program li ve on Friday\, December 18th at 5 p.m.\n\n<strong><a href="/ nmdotorg" target="_blank">WATCH THE Q&amp\;A</a></strong>\n<strong><a href ="/" target="_blank"></a></strong>\nWe encourage you to subscribe to our <a href="">YouTube chan nel</a> so you will be notified when the video is streaming live. You can also follow us on social media (<a href=" ">Facebook</a> | <a href="">Twitter</a> | <a h ref="">Instagram</a>). DTSTAMP:20240603T004151Z SUMMARY:JANM Digital Film Festival: Crossroads: Boyle Heights Q and A URL:/en/events/2020/12/18/janm-digital-film-festival-crossroads-boyle-heig/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR