BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201031T000000Z DTEND:20201031T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Global Education Office\, Graduate School of Education\, Kyoto University\, invites you all to the Lecture Series 2020\, "Towards Critica l\, Historical\, and Transnational Dialigues on Japanese 'Model' of Educat ion".&nbsp\;\n\nOn October 31 at 2pm (Japan Standard Time) or October 30 a t 9pm (US Pacific Standard Time)\, Dr. Sachio Negawa will deliver a talk o n Japanese emigrants to Brazil\, entitled "The Development of Japanese Edu cational Culture in Brazil as a Node for Interconnected Histories". The on line talk\, using Zoom\, wil be in Japanese with simultaneous interpretati on in English.\n\nAnyone interested is welcome to join. Pre-registration i s required.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Presenter: </strong>Dr. Sachio Negawa\, Proj ect Research Fellow\, International Research Center for Japanese Studies\n \n<strong>Presentation Title:</strong> The Development of Japanese Educati onal Culture in Brazil as a Node for Interconnected Histories\n\n<strong>A bstract: </strong>Before the Pacific War\, Japanese Brazilian society assu med dual characteristics: one as an outpost of the Japanese Empire and the other as an integral part of nation-state Brazil. Relecting on this duali ty\, education for the children of Japanese immigrants evolved under the i nfluence of the Japanese educational practices and the Brazilian public ed ucation system. This lecture begins by reviewing elementary school educati on for Japanese Brazilian children that reached its golden age in the late 1930s\, introducing the Japanese educational practices popular at that ti me. In particular\, the discussion illustrates how the Japanese pedagogica l practices\, including sports\, support for troops\, and school exercusio n\, were promoted when the Brazilian government was pursuing the nationali zation policy. Situating the Japanese educational culture within the inter connected modernization movements of the two countries\, the lecture will invite the audience to explore the historical significance of the Japanese educational culture and its important implications for today.\n\n<strong> Date &amp\; Time:</strong> Saturday\, October 31\, 2-4pm (JST)\; Friday\, October 30\, 9-11pm (PST)\n\n<strong>Venue:</strong> Zoom (Online meeting) \n\n<strong>Language: </strong>Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation avail able in English)\n\n<strong>Event URL: </strong>\n\n<strong>Registration:</strong>\n\n(Please register by October 29 at 5pm JST or Oct ober 29 midnight PST.)\n\n<strong>Note: </strong>Zoom link to the lecture will be sent to your registered email address prior to the event.\n\n<stro ng>Contact: </strong>Global Education Office\, Graduate School of Educatio n\, Kyoto University\n\nglobaledu (at) (change at to @ to send a message.) DTSTAMP:20240601T193452Z SUMMARY:Online Lecture (Kyoto U.) URL:/en/events/2020/10/31/online-lecture-kyoto-u/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR