BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200915T000000Z DTEND:20200915T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join leaders in the Japanese American and Muslim American commu nities in a conversation on '<strong>Muslims at Manzanar: A Civil Rights J ourney</strong>\,' produced by the <a href="" target= "_blank">Council for American Islamic Relations.</a> This documentary foll ows CAIR staff as they participate in the 2019 Manzanar Pilgrimage that co mmemorated the 50th anniversary of the first organized Manzanar Pilgrimage in 1969. This conversation will explore the importance of sharing our con nected histories and experiences as well as the power of pilgrimage and ho noring significant sites in our histories. Panelists include <strong>Hussa m Ayloush</strong> (CAIR-LA Executive Director)\, <strong>Eugene Fields</s trong> (CAIR-LA Communications Manager)\, <strong>Bruce Embrey</strong> (M anzanar Committee)\, <strong>Jim Matsuoka</strong> (Manzanar Committee)\, and <strong>Erin Aoyama</strong> (Minidoka National Historic Site).\n\n<st rong>WATCH NOW: &ldquo\;Muslims at Manzanar: A Civil Rights Journey&rdquo\ ; (2020)&nbsp\;</strong><a href=" w8" target="_blank">\n</a>\n<em >This program is produced in partnership with CAIR-LA.\n</em>\n<strong>RSV Ps are required using the link below</strong>. You will be emailed links a nd instructions to join the conversation on Zoom. Contact <a title="public " href="" target="_blank"></a> if you have any additional questions or specif ic access concerns.\n\n<a style="font-weight: bold\;" href="https://9644p.\;txobjid=92f7ca7a-d956-45ee-9 44a-37e68fce88fc">RSVP NOW</a> DTSTAMP:20240603T054658Z SUMMARY:Muslims at Manzanar: A Civil Rights Journey URL:/en/events/2020/09/15/muslims-at-manzanar-a-civil-rights-journey/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR