BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170325T000000Z DTEND:20170325T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Roughly translated\,&nbsp\;<em>mottainai</em>&nbsp\;means &ldqu o\;don&rsquo\;t be wasteful&rdquo\; in Japanese. In this yoga and meditati on workshop for all levels\, certified yoga instructor traci ishigo invite s participants to harness their own inner energy to prevent body\, mind\, and spirit from going to waste.\n\nParticipants can expect the one-hour cl ass to be both restorative and invigorating\, with opportunities to practi ce deep stretches as well as strength-building standing and balancing pose s. All classes are gentle\, uplifting\, and intended for participants of a ll ages. Come explore the many health benefits of yoga and meditation!\n\n Bring your own mat and props. Limited to 20 participants per class. $8 mem bers\, $10 non-members. Museum admission included.\n\n<a href="https://964\;txobjid=c17ccee9-053a-4df 1-9f50-268a1dff6122" target="_blank">Tickets Available now</a>\n<a href="h ttps://\;txobjid=c17ccee 9-053a-4df1-9f50-268a1dff6122" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240604T133652Z SUMMARY:Mottainai Yoga with traci URL:/en/events/2017/03/25/mottainai-yoga-with-traci/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR