BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160312T000000Z DTEND:20160312T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The California Legacy Voice Network has scheduled a profession al development workshop for teachers and administrators in Region 5 (Sant a Clara\, Santa Cruz\, and Monterey Counties) at the Japanese American M useum of San Jose (JAMsj) in San Jose's Japantown.\n\nThe workshop will be held <span style="text-decoration: underline\;">Saturday\, March 12 \, 2016\, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.\, including lunch and a museum tour. J AMsj is one of eight regions in California collaborating to promote aware ness of the WWII concentration camps.&nbsp\;\n\nGuest speakers Karen Korem atsu and others will address four critical areas:\n\n<ul><li>California's assembly centers </li><li>The Japanese American internment </li><li>Fred K orematsu's story </li><li>The family stories of local Legacy Voices</li></ ul>\n\nParticipants will receive materials to share with students and col leagues at their schools and school districts\, thus preparing them to be come Legacy Voices. This Japanese American Confinement Sites grant is spo nsored by the National Park Service\, the Korematsu Institute for Civil R ights and Education\, and JAMsj.\n\n<strong>Pre-registration for the Marc h 12 workshop is due March 4\, 2016.</strong> &nbsp\;\n\nName:\n Address:\ n E-mail Address:\n Phone (home):\n Phone (cell):\n &nbsp\;\n School/Grade Level:\n School District:\n If retired\, district and grade level:\n&nbsp \;\n Send registration information to:\n Email: <a href="\;jsessionid=45B021DDC7A558F5D3B0B6C3F1930DA F-n2.lxa06b?" target="_parent"></a>\, att ention Shirley Ota and Judy Tokubo\n Smail: Address: JAMsj at 535 North Fi fth Street\, San Jose\, CA 95112\n \n Cost: There is no cost for this even t. &nbsp\; \nContact <a href=" ailto\;jsessionid=45B021DDC7A558F5D3B0B6C3F1930DAF-n2.lxa06b?to=info%40jam" target="_parent"></a> (attention Shirley Ota and Jud y Tokubo)\, or call (408) 294-3138 to reserve a spot. The deadline to reg ister for this final workshop\, March 12\, is <strong>March 4</strong>. DTSTAMP:20240601T211922Z SUMMARY:California Legacy Voice Network: 2016 JAMsj Workshops URL:/en/events/2016/03/12/california-legacy-voice-network-2016-jamsj-worksh / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR