BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160110T000000Z DTEND:20160110T000000Z DESCRIPTION:ICU Alumni Club of S. California is hosting its anual event &qu ot\;Career Planning O-Enkai&quot\; again for the exchange students studyi ng in S. California.&nbsp\; This year\, ICU students are currently studyin g at UCSB\, UCLA\, UCI\, UCR and UCSD.&nbsp\; Whether on the 'ICU-UC Stud y Abroad Program' or privately\, all the ICU students studying in S. Cal are welcome.&nbsp\; OBs talk about their career stories after graduation and students share their future plans.&nbsp\; This event is not designed to give actual employment support but to share career views\, build netwo rk\, and talk together and have fun!&nbsp\; Thus it also means o-enkai\, let's party! We wish to have many ICU graduates\, OYR\, ICUHS graduates\, and friends interested in ICU join us and mingle with young students.&nbs p\; For more information\, please contact Masako at mako@masakokawashima. com.\n\nThe attached photo was taken at the Lunch held in November 2015 to welcome this year's exchange students.\n\nWe were lucky to have ICU alumn a and a Casting Director Yoko Narahashi join and give a very interesting t alk last year! DTSTAMP:20240604T050742Z SUMMARY:ICU Alumni Club of S. California/ Career Planning O-Enkai for the E xchange Students URL:/en/events/2016/01/10/icu-alumni-club-of-s-california-career-planning/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR