BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141028T000000Z DTEND:20141028T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Throughout 2014\, in celebration of the 125th anniversary year since its establishment\, the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver is pleased to present:\n\nParallel Paths\n Japanese Diplomacy &amp\; Nikkei Heritage\n the fifth forum: Redress Movement &ndash\; 1990s\n \n A series of 6 forums tracing the parallel histories of the Japanese consulate in V ancouver and the Japanese community featuring keynote speakers\, reports from Japan&rsquo\;s Diplomatic Archives\, and some personal recollections from those who lived the history.\n When the Japanese-Canadian community celebrated its centennial year in 1977\, the occasion also marked the beg inning of a nation-wide undertaking by the community to obtain justice fo r their war-time internment. Keynote speaker\, Art Miki\, who wrote the b ook<em> The Japanese Canadian Redress Legacy: A Community Revitalized</em> and was an instrumental leader in the negotiations and the movement\, wi ll speak from his personal experience and recount the story of the long r oad to finally receiving an apology and recompense from the Canadian gove rnment in 1988.\n Following the speakers\, there will be a panel discussio n and a Q&amp\;A session open for audience participation. This is a free event open to the public.\n Registrations appreciated: event@vc.mofa.go.j p DTSTAMP:20240605T074900Z SUMMARY:Parallel Paths URL:/en/events/2014/10/28/parallel-paths/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR