BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130720T000000Z DTEND:20130720T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In celebration of the Congressional Gold Medal's tour stop in t he Bay Area (June 29 to August 4\, de Young Museum)\, JAMsj is pleased to present a film series honoring our Nisei soldiers.&nbsp\;The series contin ues in July with three more films.&nbsp\;\n\n<em><a href="https://service. SP9XfuNRCtD_Cfu5cntUj1WQVYcsgRdePmKvm7sQl9nEjEuLU3hRQewiJjZbLnRMNEuLMaD8Rs nWkxfqaAykI0ysxFD3TqRI2IguTg0Dm3yAR9hC0LKTPsMI9AtCz&amp\;lang=en" target=" _blank">A Flicker in Eternity</a></em>&nbsp\;is the coming-of-age tale of Stanley Hayami\, a talented young teenager caught between his dream of bec oming a writer/artist and duty to his country. Based on Hayami's own diary \, this documentary is the firsthand account of a 15-year-old thrust into the turmoil of WWII and is a poignant reminder of the indignity of incarce ration and the tragedy of war. Through Hayami's endearing cartoons and wit ty observations\, this film chronicles his life behind barbed wire and as a soldier in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. It is based on his diary an d letters\, which are archived at the Japanese American National Museum\, and Joanne Oppenheim's book\,<em>&nbsp\;Stanley Hayami\, Nisei Son</em>.&n bsp\;\n\n<em><a href=" gEUxr4t0Pcu6fq-8oJziu3TMDfQ6-019pPUHxz_Zl0d1IGyYruCquroNbNr-krEFKR8A5wdfXj yGO1A%3D%3D&amp\;lang=en" target="_blank">Honor &amp\; Sacrifice</a></em>& nbsp\;is the story of one man's journey from early hardship&nbsp\; to a co ncentration camp and ultimately to the stature of authentic American hero. This story is based on Roy Matsumoto's nearly unbelievable contribution a s a member of Merrill's Marauders. Matsumoto was a man of extraordinary st rength\, stamina\, wit\, and courage\, as this story demonstrates. But in most respects he was also a typical member of the Japanese American commun ity he grew up in\, showing the qualities of determination\, loyalty\, and acceptance of sacrifice throughout his life and military service years. T hese same qualities define the honorable place in US history occupied by J apanese Americans of the 20th century.\n\n<em><strong>Ann Kaneko</strong>& nbsp\;is a Los Angeles-based independent filmmaker\, who has produced</em> <em>&nbsp\;numerous award-winning shorts and documentaries\, including</em ><em>Against the Grain: An Artist's Guide to Peru</em>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<em >Overstay</em>. She has also been commissioned to create media installatio ns for the Skirball Cultural Center\, Japanese American National Museum\, National Endowment for the Arts\, and The Getty Center.\n\n<strong><em>Law son Sakai</em></strong><em>&nbsp\;is the founder of the Friends and Family of Nisei Veterans.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;He joined the 442<sup>nd</sup>Regimental Combat Team (442<sup>nd</sup>&nbsp\;RCT) in March 1943\, after being denie d enlistment two years earlier because of his Japanese ancestry. He receiv ed four Purple Heart Medals and a Bronze Star Medal\, having participated in all major campaigns of the 442<sup>nd</sup>&nbsp\;RCT\, including the l iberation of Bruyeres\, France\; rescue of the "Lost Battalion\," France\; and breaking of the Gothic Line\, Italy.&nbsp\;</em>\n<em></em>\n<em><str ong>Katsumi (Kats) Hikido</strong>&nbsp\;joined the 442<sup>nd</sup>&nbsp\ ;Regimental Combat Team (442<sup>nd</sup>RCT) while he and his family were incarcerated at the Gila River WRA camp. While serving in Europe\, he was </em><em>&nbsp\;injured in both legs by&nbsp\;</em>a land mine. As a resul t\, he nearly died and spent 2 &frac12\; years in an Army hospital before recovering enough to walk again.&nbsp\;\n\n&nbsp\;The film will be followe d by Q&amp\;A with filmmaker Sharon Yamato. <em>RSVP required.&nbsp\;</em> \nCost: Each film screening is free with admission to the museum (non-memb ers\, $5\; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\; JAMsj members and child ren under 12\, free).&nbsp\;\n\n&nbsp\;Please email&nbsp\;<a href="http:// p\;messageId=MTImKCS0Wy89KBK%2FDG9ufilhZkXJKli7&amp\;purpose=display&amp\; bodyType=htmlNoExternals"></a>&nbsp\;or call the J AMsj office at (408) 294-3138 to reserve your spot.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240609T072110Z SUMMARY:Nisei Soldiers Film Series: A Flicker in Eternity URL:/en/events/2013/07/20/nisei-soldiers-film-series-a-flicker-in-eternity/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR