BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130319T000000Z DTEND:20130319T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em><a href=" ograms">Coming Home</a></em> speaker series:\n\n<strong>When Heroes Weren' t Welcome Home\n</strong><em>Lecture by Linda Tamura\, followed by a quest ion and answer session and book signing</em>\n\nTuesday\, March 19\, 2013\ , 7:00 p.m.\n <em>Free\, open to the public</em>\n\nWhen a group of World War II war heroes returned to their hometown\, storeowners refused to serv e them. Community leaders had removed their names from a local war memoria l and proposed a Constitutional amendment to deny them of their citizenshi p. The racist hometown homecoming of these Japanese American veterans gain ed national notoriety. Linda Tamura's talk\, based on her book&nbsp\;<em>N isei Soldiers Break Their Silence</em>\, highlights events of the past and present. Tamura is a professor of education at Willamette University and is the author of&nbsp\;<em>The Hood River Issei: An Oral History of Japane se Settlers in Oregon's Hood River Valley</em>. This program will be held at PSU\, Smith Memorial Student Union\, Room 238.\n\n<em><strong>Coming Ho me: Voices of Return and Resettlement\, 1945-1965</strong></em>&nbsp\;is a n exhibit that traces the reestablishment of the Japanese American communi ty in Oregon after World War II and examines the injustices of war-time re location. The&nbsp\;<em>Coming Home</em>&nbsp\;exhibition has been woven f rom personal stories of return and resettlement by Nikkei &mdash\; men\, w omen\, and children of Japanese descent &mdash\; forced from their Oregon farms and homes and incarcerated as "enemies" during World War II. Most we re American citizens. Many had lost everything. Determination and memories of place\, family and community guided them home. Visit&nbsp\;<a href="ht tp://"></a>&n bsp\;to learn more about&nbsp\;<em>Coming Home</em>.\n\nThis exhibition an d programming are made possible in part by the Oregon Heritage Commission and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department\; Oregon Humanities (OH)\, a st atewide nonprofit organization and an independent affiliate of the Nationa l Endowment for the Humanities\, which funds OH's grant program\; Portland State University\, Center for Japanese Studies\; University of Oregon\; S amuel Naito\; and&nbsp\;<em>Friends of Oregon Nikkei Endowment</em>.\n\nOr egon Nikkei Legacy Center\n121 NW 2nd Avenue\nPortland\, OR &nbsp\;97209\n 503-224-1458\n<a href="">< /a> DTSTAMP:20240610T074708Z SUMMARY:Coming Home: Lecture by Linda Tamura URL:/en/events/2013/03/19/coming-home-lecture-by-linda-tamura/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR