BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120929T000000Z DTEND:20120929T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The stories of Kakugawa's life in the town of Kapho on the isla nd of Hawai'i&mdash\;a town that no longer exists. Throughout <em>Kapoho</ em>\, she weaves a tapestry of memories drawn from life in a Hawaiian plan tation village now buried beneath a blanket of lava.\n\nFree with Museum a dmission.&nbsp\;Reservations recommended to or 213.625.0414 at least 48 hours prior.\n\n<a href="" target="_blank" ></a>\n<a href="/en/journal/2012/9/3/kapoho/"></a>\n<a href="/ en/journal/2012/9/3/kapoho/">Read our interview with the author &gt\;&gt\; </a> DTSTAMP:20240603T123243Z SUMMARY:BOOKS & CONVERSATIONS: "Kapoho: Memoir of a Modern Pompeii" by Fran ces H. Kakugawa URL:/en/events/2012/09/29/books-conversations-kapoho-memoir-of-a-modern/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR