BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120420T000000Z DTEND:20120420T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Short Story Film Showcase\n\nChicago's Own\n\nFriday\, April 20 \, 2012 - 8:00pm\n\nLocation:&nbsp\;\n&nbsp\;Chicago Filmmakers\n\nChicago Filmmakers is proud to announce the lineup for the Short Story Film Showc ase. Now in its fourth year\, this celebration of short narrative filmmaki ng highlights some of the best new narrative work around. Thanks to everyo ne who submitted! We had nearly 40 entries\, and it was very difficult to decide between them. The final lineup is an eclectic mix of drama\, comedy \, and a few forms off the beaten path. All local and strictly low budget\ , these films are guaranteed to haunt and inspire. (2011 &ndash\; 2012\, 1 00 min.)\n<strong>The Doctor&rsquo\;s Wife</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Julian Grant (2011\, 6 min.)&nbsp\;\n<strong>Left Alone</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; S eth Boggess (2011\, 15 min.)&nbsp\;\n<strong>Elements: Spring to Summer to Autumn</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Dave Schmudde (2011\, 3 min.)&nbsp\;\n<str ong>The Lathe of Maldoror</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Kevin B. Chatham (2012\, 6 min.)&nbsp\;\n<strong>Scavenger</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Jason Pan (2012 \, 2 min.)&nbsp\;\n<strong>I Never Met A Brandy I Didn&rsquo\;t Like</stro ng>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Victor Spatafora (2012\, 12 min.)&nbsp\;\n<strong>Who I s Steve Schubert?</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Jonny Diaz (2012\, 22 min.)&nbsp \;\n<strong>Annabel</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Daniel Izui (2011\, 21 min.)&n bsp\;\n<strong>The Mystique</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; Nick Vassil (2012\, 13 min.)\n\n DTSTAMP:20240610T104250Z SUMMARY:Annabel – Daniel Izui URL:/en/events/2012/04/20/annabel-daniel-izui/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR