BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110208T000000Z DTEND:20110208T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Asian American Leaders to hold Chicago Mayoral Candidat es Forum</strong>\n<strong>on Tuesday\, February 8<sup>th</sup></strong>\n <em>First-ever effort combines city-wide event with city-wide voter turnou t</em>\n<strong>What:</strong> Since late 2010\, ten Asian-American organi zations have been working together in an unprecedented collaboration to im pact the most exciting Mayoral race that Chicago has seen in a generation. Working together as the Pan Asian Voter Empowerment campaign (or PAVE)\, these organizations - stretching from West Ridge to Uptown to Chinatown - have scheduled a Mayoral Candidates Forum for February 8<sup>th</sup>. In addition to the Mayoral Candidates Forum\, they are also working together on targeted non-partisan voter turnout throughout Chicago.\n\n<strong>When : Tuesday\, February 8 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM (doors open at 6:00 PM)</stron g>\n<strong>Where: St. Augustine College\, 1345 W. Argyle Street (1.5 bloc ks west of Broadway) in Chicago</strong> (free parking is available at St. Augustine College)\n\n<strong>Who:</strong>\n&middot\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp \;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Over 750 Asian-American leader s from all over Chicago - from West Ridge to Chinatown\n&middot\;&nbsp\;&n bsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;As of this writing\, Mayoral Candidates Carol Moseley Braun\, Miguel del Valle and Patricia Wa tkins have all confirmed their attendance.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Invitees Gery Chic o and Rahm Emanuel have not yet confirmed.\n&middot\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Sponsors of the Asian-American M ayor Forum include Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant Rights and Empowerm ent\; Cambodian Association of Illinois\; Chinese American Service League\ ; Chinese Mutual Aid Association\; Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community\; Korean American Community Services\; Korean American Resource &amp\; Cultural Center\; Indo-American Center\; Muslim Women Resource Cen ter\; and Vietnamese Association of Illinois.\n<strong>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp \;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</strong>\n<stro ng>Why:&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</strong>There are over 139\,000 Asian- Americans living in Chicago\, yet their issues are often overlooked in&nbs p\;&nbsp\;city-wide policy and political conversations.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Espec ially in the middle of a heated Mayoral race\, the Asian-American communit y has organized itself to forward its agenda and make certain that the inc oming Mayor will respond to those issues.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;The February 22<sup >nd</sup>&nbsp\;Mayoral election may be decided by just a few thousands\, hundreds or even dozens of votes.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Asian-American voters will be part of that margin of victory and candidates must listen to their voic es and respond.\n<strong>Background:&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</strong>PAVE is a colla boration of the organizational sponsors of the Mayoral Candidates Forum an d is organized by the Asian American Institute (AAI).&nbsp\;&nbsp\;AAI was established in 1992 as a pan-Asian\, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organizatio n.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Asian American Institute's mission is to empower the Asian Pacific American community through advocacy\, by utilizing research\, edu cation and coalition building. Our motto is to "educate\, advocate\, and e mpower."\n<strong>Media Visuals:&nbsp\;</strong>\n&middot\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;& nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Hundreds of Afghani\, Bang ladeshi\, Cambodian\, Chinese\, Filipino\, Indian\, Korean\, Pakistani\, V ietnamese and other Asian-American leaders attending.\n&middot\;&nbsp\;&nb sp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Simultaneous translation int o Cambodian\, Chinese\, Hindi\, Korean\, Urdu and Vietnamese.\n\nContact: Sung Yeon Choi Morrow\n \noffice 773-271-0899 x 223 \n \ncellphone 630-61 5-9551\,\ DTSTAMP:20240601T020924Z SUMMARY:Asian American Leaders to hold Chicago Mayoral Candidates Forum URL:/en/events/2011/02/08/asian-american-leaders-to-hold-chicago-mayoral-ca n/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR