BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100626T000000Z DTEND:20100626T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Come enjoy a staged reading of <em><strong>Wrinkles</strong></e m>\, the latest comedy from Japanese-American playwright Paul Kikuchi.&nbs p\;&nbsp\;<strong>SEE&nbsp\;IT FIRST</strong>&nbsp\;before it's produced o n the main stage in the upcoming 2010-2011 season at <strong>East West Pla yers</strong>.\n\n(Paul Kikuchi's hit play\,&nbsp\;<em>Ixnay</em>\, receiv ed its world premiere at East West Players in 2009.)\n\n<strong>WRINKLES</ strong>\nby <strong>Paul Kikuchi</strong>\nDirected by <strong>Jeff Liu</s trong>\nPerformed by <strong>Marilyn Tokuda</strong>\, <strong>Tohoru Masa mune</strong>\, <strong>Julia Cho</strong>\, and <strong>Scott Shima</stro ng>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Synopsis:&nbsp\; </strong>Unbeknownst to h is daughter and grandson\, 73-year-old Nisei Harry Fukutani is an Internet sensation!&nbsp\; But to view his work\, one has to turn off the parental filter and have a valid credit card.&nbsp\; A sticky comedy about sex\, l ies\, and Tiger Balm.\n\n<strong>Admission:</strong>&nbsp\; $5 suggested d onation\n\n<em>Wrinkles is presented as part of the "Spring 2010 Reading S eries" of the <strong>DHHWI New Works Festival</strong>\, courtesy of <str ong>East West Players</strong> and <strong>The David Henry Hwang Writers I nstitute</strong>.&nbsp\; It is one of thirteen works-in-progress.&nbsp\; Paul Kikuchi is a member of the &ldquo\;Writing is Rewriting&rdquo\; Works hop\, which is led by Prince Gomolvilas.&nbsp\; The David Henry Hwang Writ ers Institute is supported in part by <strong>The James Irvine Foundation< /strong>.</em> DTSTAMP:20240605T071117Z SUMMARY:Play Reading at East West Players URL:/en/events/2010/06/26/play-reading-at-east-west-players/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR