BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100213T000000Z DTEND:20100213T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The National Park Service (NPS)\, Friends of Manzanar\, and Man zanar History Association invite the public to attend a barracks groundbre aking event at 1:00 p.m.\, Saturday\, February 13\, 2010. According to Sup erintendent Les Inafuku\, "All Americans had to adapt during World War II\ , including Japanese Americans confined at Manzanar. Future visitors to Bl ock 14 can learn how Japanese Americans lived at Manzanar\, and improved t heir living situations. Our elders can still inspire us to improve our liv es and help shape our great nation."\n\nIn operation from 1942-45\,&nbsp\; Manzanar&nbsp\;War&nbsp\;Relocation&nbsp\;Center&nbsp\;confined more than 10\,000 Japanese Americans in 36 blocks. Each block included 14 barracks b uildings\, a mess hall\, a recreation building\, latrines\, and laundry an d ironing rooms. After the war\, the buildings were sold for scrap lumber or relocated.\n\nIn 1997\, in consultation with the Manzanar Advisory Comm ission\, former internees\, historians\, and others\, the NPS approved the development of Block 14 as a &ldquo\;demonstration block&rdquo\; to inter pret daily life in the camp. In fiscal years 2009-10\, Congress&nbsp\;appr oved funding\, proposed by California Senator Diane Feinstein\, for recons tructing Barracks 1 and 8 on Block 14.\n\nBarracks 1 will appear as it wou ld have when Japanese Americans first arrived at Manzanar in 1942. Barrack s 8 will be reconstructed to represent barracks life in 1945. A restored W orld War II mess hall moved to the site from&nbsp\;Bishop&nbsp\;Airport&nb sp\;in 2002 will be open to visitors later this year.\n\nErick Ammon\, Inc .\, of&nbsp\;Anderson\,&nbsp\;California\, will reconstruct the barracks. Friends of Manzanar\, a non-profit partner of the NPS\, continues to raise funds to support the development and interpretation of Block 14.\n\nThe g roundbreaking event&nbsp\;begins at 1:00 p.m. Afterwards\, Manzanar Histor y Association will provide light refreshments in the mess hall. Later that day\, the NPS invites former internees to gather informally with visitors in the&nbsp\;Interpretive&nbsp\;Center&nbsp\;to share their memories and experiences.\n\nThe events are free and open to the public. Manzanar Natio nal Historic Site is located along U.S. Highway 395\, six miles south of&n bsp\;Independence\,&nbsp\;California&nbsp\;and nine miles north of Lone Pi ne. For more information\, please visit our website at&nbsp\;<a href="http ://" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp\;or call (760) 878-2194. DTSTAMP:20240612T032457Z SUMMARY:Manzanar Block 14 Barracks Groundbreaking URL:/en/events/2010/02/13/manzanar-block-14-barracks-groundbreaking/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR