BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090917T000000Z DTEND:20090917T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Since the 1980s\, non-skilled workers have been entering Japan legally in increasing numbers. Despite their growing presence in Japan\, f oreign workers often encounter discrimination. The roots of this discrimin ation run deep among many political leaders in Japan. Nonetheless there is a sizable number of Japanese at the grassroots level who promote a multic ultural Japan and support foreign workers. Join us for Dr. Harumi Befu&rsq uo\;s analysis of life for foreign workers in Japan\, and how current cond itions indicate positive changes ahead in Japan&rsquo\;s future.\n\n<stron g>Dr. Harumi Befu</strong>&nbsp\;is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Stanford University. Dr. Befu holds a PhD in Anthropology from the Univers ity of Wisconsin. Fieldwork in northern Japan led to his interest in the n ature of integration of rural communities with the larger society. His cur rent research is on the social and cultural aspects of Japan&rsquo\;s glob alization\, both external and internal\; his most recent project has been an analysis of Japan&rsquo\;s national and cultural identity.\n\n6:00 pm R egistration\n6:30-8:00 pm Program\n\nFree and open to the public.\n\n<em>T his is a lecture event hosted by the Japan Society of Northern California co-sponsored by the&nbsp\;<a href="">Japanese Am erican National Library</a>. We kindly request your&nbsp\;RSVP&nbsp\;by Fr iday\, September 11\, 2009.</em> DTSTAMP:20240612T211455Z SUMMARY:Life for Foreign Workers in Japan URL:/en/events/2009/09/17/life-for-foreign-workers-in-japan/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR