BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090906T000000Z DTEND:20090906T000000Z DESCRIPTION:ISA is a concert events company that seeks to showcase the brig htest and premier talent among Asian and Asian Americans. What started off as a simple idea to uplift the community has now grown into a thriving an d popular brand that hundreds of thousands of young people now recognize. Created by the artists themselves\, ISA is the passion project of Wong Fu Productions and FarEast Movement\, now set on taking their grassroots and personal connection to their fans to greater and inspiring heights.\n\nKev Jumba&nbsp\;(Over 57 Million Youtube views\, featured on CW and HBO\nBruno Mars&nbsp\;(Song writer for Sean Kingston\, Menudo\, Flow Rida &ldquo\;Ri ght Round&rdquo\;)\nGLP&nbsp\;(Gabe Bondoc\, Leejay\, Passion)&nbsp\;(Supe r group of Acoustic\, Beatbox and Soul/Major Youtube following)\nDavid Cho i&nbsp\;(over 37 Million Youtube Views\, Song Writer and producer)\nKina G rannis&nbsp\;(Winner of Doritos &ldquo\;Crash&rdquo\; during Super Bowl)\n Quest Dance Crew&nbsp\;(Winners of America&rsquo\;s Best Dance Crew)\nWong Fu Productions&nbsp\;(Cannes Film Fest Filmmakers/Millions of Youtube hit s)\nFar*East Movement&nbsp\;(National hit single on radio &ldquo\;Girls On The Dance Floor&rdquo\;)\n\nHosted by:&nbsp\;Lydia Paek&nbsp\;(Boxcuttuhz /Quest)&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;Tom Ngo DTSTAMP:20240602T104907Z SUMMARY:International Secret Agents Concert URL:/en/events/2009/09/06/international-secret-agents-concert/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR