Berlin, Germany

Nima desde 2021

Material contribuído por LOQIStore

*LOQIStore ainda não adicionou eventos, não criou coletâneas no Álbum Nikkei, nem contribuiu com artigos para o Descubra Nikkei.

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LOQI can guarantee their re-usable products are made ethically, without the use of harmful substances. They are affordable, stylish re-usable bags that are light (55g pouch), water resistant and capable of holding up to 20kg. LOQI designs are one of its most unique and creative designs around, they have a wide selection of bold & colourful collections to choose from and won’t fade over time.
View More: <a href="https://www.loqi.eu/products/metallic-silver-rose-gold-weekender">rose gold weekender bag</a>

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Projeto do Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation