
1684 Post Street,
San Francisco, CA 94115

Phone: 415-921-5007


Through our affiliation with Discover Nikkei, we will publish "Nikkei Heritage" ( on-line, and make accessible on the Discover Nikkei Web site featured analysis, writings and interviews on three future …


Historic Building 640, located on the grounds of the former San Francisco Presidio, was the first stop for Nikkei who served in the Military Intelligence Service during World War II. An planned interpretive center will preserve the building and present a vital piece of American history through exhibits and an interactive learning center Photo: NJAHS collection.

The cover of NJAHS' journal, Nikkei Heritage. The volume number and title of the Nikkei Heritage is Vol. XVI, Number 2, Summer 2004, Diaspora. Photo: NJAHS collection

NJAHS co-sponsors the annual Locked In, Locked Out: Linking Japanese American Internment to Your Rights Today High School Juried Creative Arts Competition. California students are invited to enter their essays, spoken word/poetry and visual art. Photo: NJAHS collection

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Projeto do Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation