Descubra Nikkei

Serving in Malvinas War and its Impact (Japanese)

(Japanese) At the time, enlisting was a legal obligation in Argentina, so if the lottery drew your number, you were obligated to join, or to serve, rather. I was still a university student when I started my training, so I was discharged in less than eight months. However, on April 2nd, 1982, the Argentinian military commenced the invasion of the Malvinas Islands — or the Falklands as the British call them — and so it entered war.

That meant, of course, that those of us who had been discharged were expecting to be drafted up by whatever division we were affiliated with, or at least to receive some kind of communication. But in my case, I didn’t hear anything for a week or two, so I brought myself over to my unit's base, hoping there was some way I could contribute as an Argentine citizen.

The war was over in 74 days, about two and a half months. Right after I returned home, I told my parents that “I wanted to study international relations. Even if it costs money, I’ll pay for it myself, so please let me do this.” I changed universities, changed my major, and then I was able to go straight down that path and graduate. The war was a very big thing. I think it’s true that it had a very big impact on my personal feelings, my goals, and even how I live my life.

Argentina Buenos Aires Guerra das Malvinas

Data: September 22, 2019

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Yoko Nishimura

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Nasceu em 1962 em Escobar, província de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cursou a escola de língua japonesa de Escobar, recebendo educação bilíngue. Quando estava na universidade, eclodiu a Guerra das Malvinas e ele se alistou para servir no setor de comunicação. Depois, formou-se na Universidade Salvador de Buenos Aires em Relações Internacionais e em 1990 foi ao Japão como bolsista financiado pelo governo. Especializou-se em Direito Trabalhista e obteve o grau de Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Nacional de Yokohama.

Atualmente é tradutor jurídico de língua espanhola no Japão, intérprete no tribunal, intérprete em transmissão de rádio e dá palestras de orientação aos estagiários da JICA (Agência de Cooperação Internacional do Japão). Leciona Espanhol na Universidade da Província de Shizuoka, Economia Latino-Americana na Universidade Dokkyo, além de dar palestras sobre multiculturalismo. Tem dado suporte aos nikkeis oriundos da América Latina que se encontram no Japão. (fevereiro de 2020)