Descubra Nikkei

The find of the century: Chicras (Japanese)

(Japanese) Truly, we were up at the Chancay ruins pretty much every weekend while Amano was still healthy. There is a place where I often visited with Amano and where the Chancay era ruins were - the Chancay era’s. There were two small mountains, gourd-shaped. We knew that they were old ruins. Amano also went many times, climbing up and down those ruins and he thought they were probably about three thousand or so years old. But even though very old, he believed that the site wasn’t something he would be interested in as it wasn’t relevant to his research. So he ended up simply ignoring the area because it was outside of his field of research.

However, about two years ago, by chance, some illegally excavated ruins were found. Upon examination, they found reeds twined into rope and then made into a net, called ‘chicras,’ and used in the construction process. It was the initial discovery of a lot of this material under the mound. When we had scientific dating of the material done in Japan, it was totally beyond our imaginations! We found that the nets were approximately 4,700 years old, plus or minus a few years. The number of about 5000 years old came up, which totally caught us by surprise.

That being said, this was a major discovery from an era long gone in Chancay. I dare say we thought it was a temple or something like that. At the time of the excavation, we knew that the staircase had a pyramid-like construction to it but we hadn’t imagined something that old. We thought there was no way it was that old. However, the results of the carbon-14 dating was about 2000 years older than what we thought. An exceptionally old ruin. We were totally surprised and once we got the results, we began a serious excavation as fast as we could.

Up to this time, the Andes civilizations were said to be about three thousand years old. Civilization didn’t really get started until about one thousand years BCE, or so it said in pretty much any textbook you can find. But at the Chancay valley where we, or rather, Amano was constantly visiting, we had found proof for the first time that it was much older. Well, I think of Chancay as a place that Amano taught me about, or rather, as his gift to all of us. If I didn’t go there with Amano, that discovery might have just been one of a simple mountain—the true scope of the discovery would not have been realized.

arqueologia cultura Chancay chicras Índios da América do Sul redes Peru Yoshitaro Amano

Data: May 7, 2007

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Yoko Nishimura

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Nascido em 1948, natural de Tóquio. Ele se formou no Departamento de Educação da Universidade Waseda. Anos depois, ele se mudou para Lima, no Peru. Enquanto aprendia espanhol, ele ajudou no trabalho do avô, Yoshitaro Amano, que fundou e chefiou o Museu Amano. Mais tarde, Sakane se casou com uma peruana nikkei nisei. Atualmente, na sua posição como pesquisador cultural peruano, expert em coleções de vasos e materiais têxteis, e diretor executivo do Museu Amano, ele conduz trabalhos de excavação e é responsável pelo gerenciamento do museu. Como um “cidadão diplomata” peruano, ele lida com funcionários do governo, homens de negócio, e ainda ajuda a organizar as coberturas da mídia e programas de televisão. Todos os anos ele visita várias vezes o Japão, onde faz palestras e modera bancadas de debate, e se mantém ativo em várias áreas de trabalho. (Maio de 2007)


Yoshitaro Amano: o retorno forçado ao Japão no navio de troca de prisioneiros (Japonês)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano


Yoshitaro Amano tenta entrar na América do Sul como clandestino (Japonês)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano


Yoshitaro Amano gostava de História (Japonês)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano


Os negócios de Yoshitaro Amano no Japão (Japonês)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano


Como eu conheci Yoshitaro Amano (Japonês)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano


Yoshitaro Amano’s Tuna Fishing Boat (Japanese)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano


Yoshitaro Amano, who was Fascinated by the Chancay Culture (Japanese)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano


An Opportunity to Learn more Japanese (Japanese)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano


A Lifestyle Using Both Japanese and Spanish (Japanese)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano

Schneider,Jean Hamako

My father who returned by prisoner of war exchange ship (Japanese)

(n. 1925)A noiva de guerra