BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230520T000000Z DTEND:20230520T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="color: #c21313\;">Free\n<a href="http://9644p.blac\;txobjid=c22dc3e8-5f5b-4797-8ed8- c0685c46a2a6">IN PERSON RSVP</a>      <a href="http://9644p.blackbaudh\;txobjid=2fbe9741-0bd4-42d3-8cf1-f5e2cd 6fc8b5">VIRTUAL RSVP</a>\n\nMarvel at the amazing and creative ways that w riters can imagine Little Tokyo and expand the fictional boundaries of the Japanese American experience. This year is the 10th anniversary of the Im agine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest and the first time the ceremony wil l be in person since 2019! The event will be a vibrant celebration of the Little Tokyo\, its history and culture\, and those who love it with specia l guests to be announced and giveaways of books written by Japanese Americ an and Japanese authors.\n\nEach year\, the Imagine Little Tokyo Short Sto ry Contest heightens awareness of Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo by challengi ng both new and experienced writers to write a story that captures the spi rit and essence of Little Tokyo and the people in it. In this celebration\ , the winning stories in the three contest categories—Adult\, Youth\, an d Japanese language—will be showcased with dramatic readings by special guests. Each category winner is awarded cash prize and their story will be published in The Rafu Shimpo\, on Discover Nikkei\, and on the Little Tok yo Historical Society website.\n\n<em>The contest is presented by Little T okyo Historical Society in partnership with JANM’s Discover Nikkei proje ct.</em>\n DTSTAMP:20240603T063853Z SUMMARY:10th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest Awards Ceremon y URL:/en/events/2023/05/20/10th-annual-imagine-little-tokyo-short-story-cont e/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR