BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230325T000000Z DTEND:20230325T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for an informative discussion on Yu Tokunaga's new book : Transborder Los Angeles: An Unknown Transpacific History of Japanese-Mex ican Relations. Focusing on Los Angeles farmland during the years between the Immigration Act of 1924 and the Japanese incarceration in 1942\, Trans border Los Angeles weaves together the narratives of Mexican and Japanese immigrants into a single transpacific history. In this book\, Yu Tokunaga moves from international relations between Japan\, Mexico\, and the US to the Southern California farmland\, where ethnic Japanese and Mexicans play ed a significant role in developing local agriculture\, one of the major i ndustries of LA County before World War II. Viewing these experiences in a single narrative form\, Tokunaga breaks new ground\, demonstrating the cl ose relationships between the ban on Japanese immigration\, Mexican farm w orkers' strikes\, wartime Japanese removal\, and the Bracero Program. Book s are available to purchase for 30% off online for those who register. Thi s program is free to attend but registration is required. \n\nYu Tokunaga is Associate Professor of History at the Graduate School of Global Enviro nmental Studies with a joint appointment at the Graduate School of Human a nd Environmental Studies\, Kyoto University\, Japan.\n\n \n\nhttps://www.\n DTSTAMP:20240603T045746Z SUMMARY:TRANSBORDER LOS ANGELES: AN UNKNOWN TRANSPACIFIC HISTORY OF JAPANES E-MEXICAN RELATIONS BOOK EVENT URL:/en/events/2023/03/25/transborder-los-angeles-an-unknown-transpacific-h / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR