BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190901T000000Z DTEND:20190901T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Okinawa Association of America\, Inc. (OAA)\, the largest o rganization in the continental US promoting Okinawan culture\, is proud to announce its 110th&nbsp\;Anniversary.&nbsp\; As part of OAA's SuperCenten nial celebration\, BEGIN band will headline the commemorative weekend with its first-ever mainland US concert. This exclusive\, one-day event is sla ted for&nbsp\;September 1\, 2019\, at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Ce nter in&nbsp\;Redondo Beach\, California.\n\nThe band started nearly 30 ye ars ago in&nbsp\;Okinawa&nbsp\;when&nbsp\;Eisho Higa\,&nbsp\;Masaru Shimab ukuro&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;Hitoshi Uechi\, childhood friends from Ishigaki Isla nd\,&nbsp\;Okinawa\, combined their musical talents.&nbsp\; Their first si ngle\, "I Miss You" debuted in 1990 and since then they have released more than 35 singles\, more than 30 albums and&nbsp\;eight&nbsp\;DVDs.&nbsp\; They released their latest album\, "Potluck Songs" in December 2018.&nbsp\ ; They attribute blues music and Okinawan culture as inspiration for their music.\n\n"In the same way BEGIN has been spreading the beauty and spirit of&nbsp\;Okinawa&nbsp\;in their music for decades\," explained&nbsp\;Edwa rd Kamiya\, OAA President\, "the OAA has been doing so as a pillar in the community for 110 years. We are honored and excited to share the music of one of&nbsp\;Okinawa's&nbsp\;most successful bands with people on this sid e of the Pacific Ocean for the very first time in BEGIN's history."\n\nSpo nsors for OAA's SuperCentennial milestone include community partners who s upport OAA's mission of preserving and perpetuating the culture.&nbsp\; Th ey include Katsuya\, Oki Dog\, Sanyo Foods and Taragawa-Ryukyu Ocho.&nbsp\ ;&nbsp\;For sponsorship opportunities and media inquiries\, please contact &nbsp\;Lesley Chinen&nbsp\;at&nbsp\;<a href="mailto:lesley@lcproductionson" target="_blank"></a>.\n\nThe OAA h as special SuperCentennial events planned for the rest of the year.&nbsp\; These events include a picnic in July\, monthly evening events and a 110t h&nbsp\;Anniversary reception.&nbsp\; Membership is open to anyone interes ted in or with ties to Okinawa.&nbsp\; The OAA houses 15 committees rangin g from performing arts to history.&nbsp\; For more information on the OAA\ , visit&nbsp\;<a href="\;l=en&amp\;o=24566 50-1&amp\;h=4232593150&amp\;\;a=ww" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp\;or search @ oaamensore on social media.\n\nTicket information is available at:&nbsp\;< a href="" target="_blan k"></a>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n \nThe Okinawa Association of America\, Inc. (OAA) is a 501c(3) nonprofit c orporation. Its purpose is to preserve and perpetuate\, as well as to prom ote the appreciation of Okinawan culture through education and local and i nternational exchanges. It also promotes mutual friendship and aid to its members. DTSTAMP:20240604T122004Z SUMMARY:Concert: BEGIN from Okinawa (OAA 110th Anniversary Celebration) URL:/en/events/2019/09/01/concert-begin-from-okinawa-oaa-110th-anniversary/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR