BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150421T000000Z DTEND:20150421T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II\, Japan Society and Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA will co-host a half- day public panel discussion to examine the depth and strength of U.S. ties with Japan based on public opinion and statistics. The event will showcas e the results of a survey commissioned by Sasakawa USA and conducted by th e Pew Research Center in early 2015 on U.S. public attitudes toward Japan and Japanese public attitudes toward the United States. It will also featu re results from the East-West Center&rsquo\;s &ldquo\;Japan-Matters for Am erica&rdquo\; research project\, also commissioned by Sasakawa USA\, track ing national\, state and Congressional district-level data on Japan&rsquo\ ;s footprint in the United States. Presentations will be followed by a dis cussion on the results of the data and its implications for the present an d future U.S.-Japan relations.\n<strong>Presenters:\nBruce Stokes</strong> \, Director of Global Economic Attitudes\, Global Attitudes Project\, Pew Research Center\n<strong>Satu Limaye</strong>\, Director\, East-West Cente r in Washington\n<strong>Featured Commentator:\nTakeshi Komoto</strong>\, Executive Director\, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) New York\n< strong>Moderator:\nDan Bob</strong>\, Senior Fellow and Director for Progr ams\, Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA\n<strong>Agenda</strong>\n9:00-9:30am& nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\; Registr ation and buffet breakfast\n9:30-11:30&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\ ; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\; Presentations\, Panel Discussion and Q&amp\;A\n11:30am-12:30pm &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Networking lunch recep tion\n<strong>Admission:&nbsp\;</strong>\nThis is a free event. However\, you must register in advance in order to confirm your seat for the lecture . Seating is available on a first come\, first served basis.\nFor further information or assistance\, please contact the Corporate Program at 212-71 5-1208 or email<a href="">register@japanso</a>.\nCo-hosted by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA. DTSTAMP:20240608T235352Z SUMMARY:U.S.-Japan Ties: Image and Reality URL:/en/events/2015/04/21/us-japan-ties-image-and-reality/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR