Opera Santa Barbara presents An American Dream

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Performing Arts

Fev 202318
2:30p.m. - 7:30p.m.

Lobero Theatre
33 E Canon Perdido
Santa Barbara, California, 93101
United States

2013, Music by Jack Perla; Libretto by Jessica Murphy Moo
Commissioned by Seattle Opera by arrangement with the publisher: Music Without Walls
Sole Agent: Bill Holab Music

Genre:  WWII Drama set in the Pacific Northwest
Running time: 70 minutes
Language: English with surtitles
Venue:  Lobero Theatre

Treasured possessions become symbols of their lost homes for two women during World War II: a Japanese American facing incarceration and a German Jewish immigrant preoccupied by those she left behind, in Jack Perla and Jessica Murphy Moo’s 2013 drama.



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Operasb . Atualizado em Jan 23, 2023 3:48 p.m.

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