Where's the Beef: Wagyu Fact & Fiction

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Out 201619

Japan Society
333 East 47th Street
New York, New York, 10017
United States

Exquisitely tender pieces of Japanese wagyu beef seem to melt in your mouth. Prized for its delicate texture and fine marbling, prime cuts of this gourmet meat can sometimes cost over $30 per ounce. Yet many myths and misconceptions have cropped up surrounding wagyu, a word which simply combines the characters for “Japanese” and “cattle,” but may not always be so clear-cut. Are Japanese cattle given massages and fed sake and beer? What does “American wagyu” mean? At this special event, learn more about Japanese wagyu beef with Yale agrarian studies professor Dr. Daniel Botsman, watch an on-stage cooking demonstration and enjoy a tasting reception featuring wagyu beef imported from Japan. Followed by a tasting reception.
Tickets: $19/$15 Japan Society members, seniors and students



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japansociety . Atualizado em Ago 22, 2016 9:02 a.m.

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