Hello Kitty Happy Hour: Members Only/Young Professionals Network Event

  • en

Nov 201421
6:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.

Japanese American National Museum
100 North Central Avenue
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States

This exclusive Hello Kitty Happy Hour is open only to JANM’s Young Professionals Network Associates who are also JANM Members .

In addition to enjoying complimentary drinks and light refreshments, attendees will be able to see the Hello! exhibition after public hours. Exhibition tours led by Sanrio will begin at 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Attendees may also bring one guest for a fee of $25.

For more information, contact ypn@janm.org .

In conjunction with the exhibition Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty

For more up-to-date information about this event, please visit the Japanese American National Museum's events page: http://www.janm.org/events/#21


JANM . Atualizado em Nov 16, 2014 4:30 p.m.

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