Tuna Canyon Detention Station Multicultural Panel

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Community Event

Mar 201430
1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.

San Fernando Valley Japanese American Community Center
12953 Branford Street
Pacoima, California, 91331
United States


On March 30th, 2014, the San Fernando Valley Japanese American Community Center will host a special event:


Multicultural Panel  

Japanese, German, Italian, and Japanese Peruvian  

Update on Historical Cultural Monument Plaque #1039  

Sponsored by the Tuna Canyon Detention Station Coalition, San Fernando Valley Japanese American Citizens League, and San Fernando Vally Japanese American Community Center.

Time: 1pm-3pm.

For more info, contact: nancyoda64@gmail.com

Free parking and Light Refreshments.

Donations For Plaque Kindly Accepted.


k2h . Atualizado em Fev 25, 2014 9:49 a.m.

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