
California, United States



A Journey to Jerome


Otousan, Obasan, Ojisan, how was the train ride?

All My Friends, They Went to Tule


There are many untold and, possibly, forgotten stories in one’s family history. In an earlier article in the 2011 Holiday Issue of Pacific Citizen, the official newspaper of the Japanese American Citizens League, I wrote about what little I knew and what I didn’t know about my father’s incarceration in …

Nikkei Chronicles #1—ITADAKIMASU! A Taste of Nikkei Culture

Homemade Miso Soup


If you have been to a Japanese restaurant in the United States, you probably have been served a warm, salty, light brown miso soup. Sometimes it will have thinly sliced scallions floating in the broth. Sometimes there will be miniature cubes of tofu hidden in the depths below the particles …

Nikkei Chronicles #1—ITADAKIMASU! A Taste of Nikkei Culture

Mochi and Me


Mochi is a quintessential Nikkei food. Mochi is a symbol of our ties to our ancestral homeland, the land of small, terraced rice fields tended by family farmers.

Two Weddings and a Funeral


I’m not yet at the age where I scan the obituaries for people I knew, like I remember my father doing. In his later years, he would open the paper to the obituaries most days, looking for the names of acquaintances. I remember my father saying: “I was talking to …

Nikkei Chronicles #1—ITADAKIMASU! A Taste of Nikkei Culture

Cooking Traditions with Mom


I have been told by various people that I am a “good” cook. I’m usually able to put together dishes without recipes from whatever is in the refrigerator or to come up with menu ideas just walking down store aisles. Breakdown a chicken? Just give me the sharp cleaver. Need …

Will We Feel the Ghost of the Past at Jerome?


14-8-C…A few years ago, this series of numbers and a letter were meaningless to me. Then I happened to find my father’s photo album that contain scenes stretching from his childhood in Japan to camp in Arkansas and Arizona and back to Japan where he married my mother in the …

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Ben Arikawa is a Sansei who lives in Northern California. He lives not far from where his paternal grandparents settled to work on a fruit orchard about hundred years ago. He recently realized that he has a need to tell stories and has been exploring his literary side. Ben has contributed an article to Pacific Citizen, the award winning newspaper of the JACL, and several articles to Discover Nikkei. His stories reflect his experiences as a Japanese American, son, husband and father. He is also exploring his artistic side as a director of photography on Ikeibi Films web series, Gold Mountain (2016), and as an actor in Infinity and Chashu Ramen (2013).


  • コミュニティ
  • 家族史
  • フェスティバル・祭り
  • 日本食・日系フード
  • 日本町



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