Chicago Asian American Jazz Festival


Founded in 1996 by Japanese musician, filmmaker, producer, and Chicago resident Tatsu Aoki, the Chicago Asian American Jazz Festival brings together Asian American Jazz musicians from all over the country to exhibit their innovative musical techniques to a wide audience. Featured is this photo collection is Tatsu Aoki and his Miyumi project, a unique collaboration between African American and Asian American Jazz artists. Also included is prominent Chicago resident and jazz musician Yoko Noge.

Slides in this album 

CAAJ Festival

Tatsu Aoki(far right) playing at the Chicago Asian American Jazz Festival with his band the Miyumi Project.

Courtesy of the Chicago Shimpo.

Chicago Asian American Jazz Festival
提供: intrepidmouse

Yoko Noge

A photograph of Jazz musician and prominent Chicago resident Yoko Noge.

Courtesy of the Chicago Shimpo

Chicago Asian American Jazz Festival
提供: intrepidmouse

Yoko Noge and Band

Yoko Noge and her band standing in Daley Plaza located n Chicago.

Courtesy of the Chicago Shimpo.

Chicago Asian American Jazz Festival
提供: intrepidmouse

Early CAAJ Jazz Festival

A jazz band performing at one of the early CAAJ Festivals.

Courtesy of the Chicago Shimpo.

Chicago Asian American Jazz Festival
提供: intrepidmouse

Miyumi Project

Members of the Miyumi Project performing at the CAAJ Festival including Tatsu Aoki at the far right on drums.

Courtesy of the Chicago Shimpo.

Chicago Asian American Jazz Festival
提供: intrepidmouse

Album Type

community history

intrepidmouse — 更新日 6月 28 2021 1:49 a.m.



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