


(Paul Yamada)


ポール・ヤマダは、35 年間フリーライターとして活動しており、音楽、芸術、文学を専門としています。ポールは、中西部とカリフォルニアの両方に家族のルーツを持つ「ハーフ」であると考えています。哲学、およびアメリカの芸術、音楽、文化の歴史を教え、講義してきたポールの目標は、アジア系アメリカ人のアーティスト、ミュージシャン、作家を称えることです。ポールは、アジア系アメリカ人のアーティストへのインタビューに非常に興味を持っています。インタビューをご希望の場合は、Chicago@jacl.org までメールでお問い合わせください。



Ray Yoshida

2013年6月13日 • ポール・ヤマダ

It is quite difficult for the viewer of Ray Yoshida’s wide ranging and yet interconnected work not to wonder if his paintings and collages are sending messages in code, through and with the myriad images he has chosen and depicted. Many of his works provoke a “what is this saying” response, as if they are experiments in image language and semantics. Their muted and striking color choices and schemes create a beguiling sense of familiarity, dissonance, and discord. Many times …

When There Was No "Hapa"

2010年4月29日 • ポール・ヤマダ

Throughout most of my life I’ve been THE Asian in the room, so to speak. My first grade school had African American kids, but no other Asians that I can recall. At my second grade school, which was very small (less than 125 kids) and mostly Jewish, I was the (only) minority of color. I might add that several of the working class Jewish kids from this school took it upon themselves to beat me up every day for at …

My Parents -- An Introduction

2010年3月31日 • ポール・ヤマダ

We asked writer Paul Yamada about his background and what it was like for him growing up Hapa. He noted that unlike most early Hapa families, it was his father that was Japanese American—not his mother. This article presents his parents’ backgrounds as an introduction of where he came from and will be followed with more in the future in which he describes himself and his experiences being of mixed race. My mother was born Marjorie Ann Lehmann in August, …

Profile: Yasuo Kuniyoshi

2010年1月5日 • ポール・ヤマダ

While there are Asian American artists who have received notable acclaim and recognition, very few have been the subject of a photo portrait, and perhaps only Yasuo Kuniyoshi has been the subject of a photographer as well known as Arnold Newman. The portrait, from 1941, reveals a dapper, equanimous looking man, seated on a divan. It is not a jarring image, but one that centers Kuniyoshi in a very American looking environment. Nonetheless, Kuniyoshi, who came to Seattle in 1906 …

Pictures Worth a 1000 Words

2009年12月1日 • ポール・ヤマダ

The “street photography” of Yasuhiro Ishimoto, all shot in Chicago, is nothing short of spectacular. Though this is only one phase of his work, it may be what he is best remembered for, at least in this country. Alas, he may not be remembered at all. Mr. Ishimoto was born in California, June 14, 1921, but returned to Japan for schooling with family in 1924. He returned as a teenager after graduating from an agricultural high school and attended Northwestern …

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