


(Larry Hajime Shinagawa)

ソノマ州立大学のアメリカ多文化研究教授であるラリー・ハジメ・シナガワ博士は、 「アジア系アメリカ人の異人種間結婚と愛の社会的構築」という仮題の本を執筆中です。この本は国勢調査と結婚許可証のデータの研究と、100人以上のインタビューに基づいており、1999年秋にビーコン・プレス社から出版される予定です。



Intermarriages and Hapas: An Overview - Part 2

2007年5月12日 • ジョージ・キタハラ・キチ , レベッカ・チヨコ・キング , ラリー・ハジメ・シナガワ , シズエ・シーゲル

>> Part 1 Current Japanese American AttitudesIntermarriage has been a major, and controversial, topic of discussion within the Japanese American community over the years. The Pacific Citizen has consistently afforded a forum for some of this discussion (particularly the Holiday Issue, December 20-27, 1985). As more and more marriages across culture and race occurred, unresolved questions, opinions and prejudices surfaced. For many years, people who were of mixed race were seen as a loss to the community. Some people went …

Intermarriages and Hapas: An Overview - Part 1

2007年5月11日 • ジョージ・キタハラ・キチ , レベッカ・チヨコ・キング , ラリー・ハジメ・シナガワ , シズエ・シーゲル

To be biracial and Japanese American means having many different labels from which to choose. For this historical overview, we will use “Hapa”, a term popularized by the Hapa Issues Forum, to mean people who have an Asian/Asian Pacific Islander parent and a parent of any other race. Our focus here is on those with a Japanese or a Japanese American parent. There is no single Hapa experience. Over the decades, Hapas have had widely different experiences based on individual …

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