


(Koji Steven Sakai)


コウジ・スティーブン・サカイ氏は、「ホーンテッド・ハイウェイ」(2006)、「ヤッた相手が多すぎて」(2009)、「Monster & Me」(2012)、「#1 Serial Killer」(2012)の4本の公開済み長編映画の脚本を手がけました。また、「ヤッた相手が多すぎて」と「#1 Serial Killer 」では、製作も担当しました。長編映画、「Romeo, Juliet, & Rosaline」の脚本を執筆し、映画製作会社のアマゾン・スタジオと契約を結びました。コウジの小説デビュー作、「Romeo & Juliet Vs. Zombies」は、2015年2月、ザルミ(Zharmae)出版社のファンタジー部門専門の子会社であるルサンド・クール(Luthando Coeur)より出版されました。

(2015年3月 更新)




What am I?

2007年3月21日 • コウジ・スティーブン・サカイ

I did Kendo (Japanese sword fighting) for almost 15 years. I ate rice almost every meal growing up. I understand Japanese. I root for Japanese baseball players. I work at a Japanese American institution. Should I then be considered Japanese? What does that really mean? To the Japanese, I’m American. I’m different. I’m not like them. I’m their stupid inbred cousin they don’t like to talk about. I remember when I was in Japan as a kid, they outed me …

Citizen First

2007年2月22日 • コウジ・スティーブン・サカイ

Anyone who wasn’t actively helping the Jews and other displaced people in Nazi Germany were as culpable for the crimes against humanity as any of the SS soldiers we all like to vilify. The citizens of a country have the moral obligation to ensure that their government does not break international law and/or basic human rights. Our soldiers are citizens first and soldiers second. Therefore, they have that same moral obligation as all of us. They are not robots that …

Samurais, Ninjas - Oh My!

2007年1月23日 • コウジ・スティーブン・サカイ

A good friend of mine who works for a Japanese American historical organization recently received the following e-mail and wanted me to write back to them. Dear Sir or Madam: Hello. My name is XXXX XXXXXXXXX. I am in the 7th grade at XXXX Middle School in XXXXX, XX and I am in an accelerated education class. We are doing research projects and my topic is comparing Samurai and Ninjas. I need information before XXXXXXXX X, XXXX to write my …

To my unborn child: Tojo Sakai

2006年12月13日 • コウジ・スティーブン・サカイ

I am going to name my future unborn child Tojo Sakai. My first generation mom thinks it’s not only stupid but a bad idea. Of course, this is the same parent who told me that I shouldn’t try to grow a mullet. Obviously, she’s an unreliable advice giver and possibly criminally insane. An informal poll of my friends tells me that they don’t care if I named my kid Hitler. “It’s your kid,” one of them told me, “You can …

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