


(Darryl Mori)



(2012年12月 更新) 


When Heroes Weren’t Welcomed Home: Author Linda Tamura on Nisei Soldiers Break Their Silence

2012年10月31日 • ダリル・モリ

“I can still recall the pit in my stomach as I read full-page ads urging Japanese American residents not to return to their community from the camps where they had been exiled,” scholar and author Linda Tamura says. Tamura had been researching her grandmother’s story, which led to Tamura’s previous book, The Hood River Issei: An Oral History of Japanese Settlers in Oregon’s Hood River Valley. “I recall sitting in the basement of the Hood River County Library surveying wartime …

Giant Robot Biennale 3: Behind the Scenes with GR’s Eric Nakamura

2012年9月11日 • ダリル・モリ

“This isn’t just a kid putting in a random group of young artists and ‘taking’ or ‘borrowing’ a great space,” Eric Nakamura says. “It’s much more to me than that. I can do that elsewhere.” Nakamura, the editor and publisher of the Asian American pop culture magazine, Giant Robot, is organizing his third art exhibition at the Japanese American National Museum: Giant Robot Biennale 3. The show will feature the work of eight emerging artists along with a customized vinyl …

全米日系人博物館・新館長 グレッグ・W・キムラ博士へのインタビュー

2012年5月4日 • ダリル・モリ

「遠く離れていた時も、博物館を常に身近に感じていました」 こう語るのは、この度、全米日系人博物館館長に就任したグレッグ・W・キムラ博士(G.W. Kimura)です。 「私は、随分前から博物館のメンバーであり、その活動をサポートしてきました。少なくとも年に一度はロサンゼルス周辺に来ることがあり、その度に家族と一緒に博物館に立ち寄っていました。博物館を訪れることは、私にとって特別な意味があるんです。そうですね、巡礼のようなかんじでしょうか。このような美しい場所で、日系コ…

『折り紙:無限の可能性』展 - 学芸員メーヤ・マッカーサーさんへのインタビュー

2012年3月2日 • ダリル・モリ

「私の折り紙との最初の出会いは、子供時代にスコットランドで父の教え子だった二人の日本人からもらった小さな折り紙の人形でした」と、メーヤ・マッカーサーさんは振り返ります。「人形はとても精巧に出来ていて、どのように作られたのか見当もつきませんでした。その後、私は、イギリス人手品師で折り紙を教えていたロバート・ハービンの本を両親から買い与えられ、すっかり折り紙に夢中になりました。」 「私の折り紙への興味は成長と共に薄れ、時々友人たちの前で披露するくらいでした。一方、子供の頃…

Seeing Beauty Through a Magic Lens: Patrick Nagatani and 35 Years of Art

2011年11月6日 • ダリル・モリ

“I used to profess to my students that all photographs lie,” says Patrick Nagatani. The longtime artist and art professor is then quick to express a “wiser attitude” toward photography. “The statement is a bit anthropomorphic as photographs are but inanimate objects left to interpretation by the artist and viewer.” “My approach today dwells in an ironic state of middle ground,” he says. “Possibly one negative in our culture today is the attitude that things must be fact or fiction, good …

Behind the Scenes of “Old Man River” (DVD)

2010年8月25日 • ダリル・モリ

Throughout his life, the late actor Jerry Fujikawa (Chinatown, M*A*S*H,Taxi) harbored a secret that even his children didn’t know about. As one of Hollywood’s busiest Asian-American performers, he spent over three decades in the public eye. But privately, few were able to penetrate his characteristic silence about his past. Hidden in the shadows of his young adulthood during World War II was a surprise that would leave his daughter stunned and questioning everything she thought she knew about him—and about herself. …

Hopes, Dreams, and Courage Under Fire: Stanley Hayami, Nisei Son

2010年8月5日 • ダリル・モリ

Author Joanne Oppenheim never met Stanley Hayami, but after reading the young man’s wartime diary, she has never forgotten him. In many respects, the 16-year-old Hayami was a typical American teenager, beginning a diary about his struggles to get good grades in school and to decide what he wanted to be when he grew up. His aspirations for the future echoed that of so many young people who were coming of age in America in the 1940s. But in Hayami’s …

Gil Asakawa’s Guide to Japanese America

2010年7月5日 • ダリル・モリ

“Do you have to go benjo?” If you know what this phrase means, there’s a high probability that you’re Japanese American. And there’s also a high probability that you’ll love Gil Asakawa’s book, Being Japanese American. But even if you don’t know that benjo means “bathroom,” you may still be entertained by this lighthearted view into the unique lingo, idiosyncrasies and nuances of Japanese American life. “Stone Bridge Press initially approached me to write the book because they were interested …

David Mura: Power, Passion & Poetry

2010年6月1日 • ダリル・モリ

David Mura’s sister once said to him, “You talk about things I would rather sweep under the rug.” In much of his work, award-winning poet, creative nonfiction writer, critic, playwright and performance artist Mura (Turning Japanese: Memoirs of a Sansei, Angels for the Burning) shares deeply personal experiences. Facing racism. Family conflicts. His self-image. Desire and relationships. Sexual awakening. But in publicly baring his soul, Mura also aims to reveal truths about Asian American men that too often remain hidden. “If …

June Kuramoto: Life and All That Jazz

2010年5月11日 • ダリル・モリ

“There are times I would doubt what I am doing, or if what I’m doing has any value,” June Kuramoto confides. “When I am recognized by the community, I feel so small compared to others who devote their lives to saving lives—firefighters, nurses, doctors, soldiers and those who commit to community services.”“Then we get fan mail telling us our music has helped them get through a tough period of their life and actually has saved some lives.” Throughout her remarkable …

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