


(Sakae Manning)

サカエ・マニングは、Making Waves: An Anthology of Writings by and about Asian American Women (Asian Women United) などの詩集に詩を寄稿しているほか、Salt River Review で以前に出版されたSammy's Shitkickersなどの短編小説も出版しています。彼女はミルズ カレッジと USC アネンバーグ コミュニケーション スクールの卒業生で、家族とともに南カリフォルニアに住んでいます。



ニッケイ物語 2—ニッケイ+: 混ざり合う言語、伝統、世代、人種の物語
Sammy's Shitkickers

2013年11月8日 • サカエ・マニング

I began to beat Sammy with his own leg braces, polished by mama to a new money shine, around the time people stopped looking at me, their eyes resting on Sammy, listening to his hospital stories, admiring his scars, a mountain range, crawling, stitch by stitch calf to heel. I would knock him in the head with his own hard, thick-soled boots. “Siblings do that sort of thing,” daddy once said as he puffed on a well-chewed pipe, smoke connecting …

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