


(April Naoko Heck)

エイプリル・ナオコ・ヘックは1971年に東京で生まれ、7年後にアメリカに移住しました。彼女の詩は最近、 Artful DodgeBorderland: Texas Quarterly ReviewEpiphanyShenandoahに掲載されました。彼女はAWP Intro Journals Awardを受賞し、VCCAで作家として滞在しました。彼女は現在、ニューヨーク大学クリエイティブ・ライティング・プログラムの朗読コーディネーターとして働いており、ブルックリンに住んでいます。



Poems: "Spark," "Distances" & "All day people poured into Asano Park"

2010年4月25日 • エイプリル・ナオコ・ヘック

SparkUse room-temperature water, never ice. Skin holds heat,you think you’re more burned than you are.Your singed hair crimps and smells like eggsthat once cooked on the farmhouse’s old gas stove.Bathwater runs faster than a sink’s, you kneelto turn your face under the tub’s faucet.If you’d followed directions, you’d bein the pasture instead, palming sugar to the horses. Which sent you reeling back, the oven’s flashor pressure, the heat or fear? Obaasan fell forwardbut that was different, that was a great …

Poems: "Conversation with My Mother" & "Translation"

2010年4月18日 • エイプリル・ナオコ・ヘック

Conversation with My Mother How much fabric was left?         Not much. Boro-boro, Obaasan said. Shreds. And your mother recognized her by the fabric          Yes. If the fabric was in shreds, she was almost naked?         No, she wore white cotton undergarments. And they still covered her body?         They covered her body. They weren’t torn like her blouse and pants?         They covered her body. What did the pattern of the fabric look like?         I don’t remember, but it couldn’t have been beautiful.         …

Poem: "The Leaf Book"

2010年4月11日 • エイプリル・ナオコ・ヘック

The Leaf BookIn the fall of third grade, when my teacherassigns the leaf-book project—collectand name at least a dozen tree leaves—my dad drives our family to an arboretum,he brings a field guide and we’re all leaf-picking,all saying gingko, chestnut, walnut, buckeye.Mama writes down American names,learns too that rootbeer-scented sassafras bearthree kinds of leaves: mittens, gloves, and palms. The night before my book’s due, he stays up.He helps sort leaf after leaf, irons thembetween waxpaper pages he’s cut.By the circular light …

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