BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161120T000000Z DTEND:20161120T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Tomoeda Akiyo</strong>&nbsp\;is a&nbsp\;<em>shite\,</em >&nbsp\;or principal role actor from the Kita School of Noh. Tomoeda train ed under Grand Master Kita Minoru and made his stage debut in 1947. Signif icant Noh plays he has performed in include:&nbsp\;<em>Shojo-midare</em>\, <em>&nbsp\;Okina</em>\,&nbsp\;<em>Sotoba Komachi</em>and&nbsp\;<em>Obasute </em>. Tomoeda&lsquo\;s first international appearance was in New York in 1964 under The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program\, followed by stops in Washi ngton D.C.\, Boston and Chicago. Tomoeda also performed abroad in America in 1974 and 1975\, Norway in 1997 and South Korea in 2001. He became holde r of Important Intangible Cultural Properties for Noh theater in 1982 and was designated a Living National Treasure by the Japanese Government in 20 08. Tomoeda is a recipient of the 28th Ministry of Education of the Govern ment of Japan Fine Arts New Face Award\, the 45th Ministry of Education of the Government of Japan Fine Arts Award\, the 16th Kanze Hisao Memorial H osei University Noh Theater Award\, the prestigious purple Ribbon Medal by Japanese Government\, the Imperial Prize from The Japan Art Academy and t he Pola Foundation for the Promotion of Traditional Japanese Culture Award . Tomoeda will perform in&nbsp\;<a href=" /treasured-noh-plays-from-the-desk-of-wb-yeats">two Noh performances</a>&n bsp\;at Japan Society on November 19 &amp\; 20.&nbsp\;\n<strong>\n</strong >Part of the&nbsp\;<strong>Image-in-Focus</strong>&nbsp\;gallery talk seri es:\nSelect Sundays at 2 PM\, through January 14\, 2017.&nbsp\;\n<strong>\ nOctober 16\, 2016</strong>:&nbsp\;<strong>Javier de Frutos</strong>\, cho reographer of At Twilight/The Hawk's Dance\n<strong>December 4\, 2016</str ong>:&nbsp\;<strong>Carrie Preston</strong>\, associate professor of Engli sh and director of the Women's\, Gender\, and Sexuality Studies Program\, Boston Univesity\nCap off your weekend at Japan Society Gallery with these energetic\, 20-minute conversations with leading curators\, writers\, art ists and specialists of Japanese art. Drop by to hear their unique perspec tives on select highlights from Gallery's fall exhibition\,&nbsp\;<a href= " ght"><strong><em>Simon Starling: At Twilight</em></strong></a>.&nbsp\;\n<e m>Free with admission to the exhibition. Groups are limited to 30\, first- come\, first-served basis.</em> DTSTAMP:20240602T234235Z SUMMARY:Image-in-Focus: Tomoeda Akiyo URL:/en/events/2016/11/20/image-in-focus-tomoeda-akiyo/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR