Descubra a los Nikkei

Aaron Caycedo-Kimura


Aaron Caycedo-Kimura es el autor de Common Grace (Beacon Press, 2022) y Ubasute (Slapering Hol Press, 2021). Sus honores incluyen una beca MacDowell, una beca global Robert Pinsky en poesía, un premio al artista emergente en literatura de la St. Botolph Club Foundation y nominaciones para las antologías Pushcart Prize , Best of the Net y Best New Poets . Su trabajo ha aparecido o se publicará próximamente en Beloit Poetry Journal , RHINO , Plume Poetry , Poetry Daily , Shenandoah , Pirene's Fountain , Salamander , Cave Wall y otros lugares. Aaron obtuvo su maestría en escritura creativa en la Universidad de Boston.

Actualizado en enero de 2024

Historias de Este Autor

La vida real de las figuras de origami
Preguntas difíciles

24 de septiembre de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

Algunas preguntas en la vida son más difíciles de responder que otras. Al menos algunos de ellos tienen respuestas reales. Feliz Día de la Madre para mi mamá, para todas las mamás y para todas las que mantienen a sus mamás alerta. *Esta caricatura se publicó originalmente en INFJoe el 11 de mayo de 2014.

La vida real de las figuras de origami
televisión de origami

10 de septiembre de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

Cuando enseño a la gente cómo doblar figuras simples de origami, a menudo les sugiero que desplieguen y vuelvan a doblar una figura terminada para solidificar en sus mentes cómo se hace: disección y reconstrucción. *Esta caricatura se publicó originalmente en INFJoe el 8 de mayo de 2014.

La vida real de las figuras de origami
Things Happen

27 de agosto de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

I’m a planner, and I think it’s good to plan and prepare. But sometimes, things just happen, life happens, and you just have to roll with it. *This cartoon was originally published on INFJoe on April 26, 2014.

La vida real de las figuras de origami
A Thousand Cranes

13 de agosto de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

Another installment of The Real Lives of Origami Figures. It’s a hard balancing act: my need of space on one hand and responsibility towards the people in my life on the other. And occasional feelings of insignificance mixed in. *This cartoon was originally published on INFJoe on April 25, 2014.

La vida real de las figuras de origami
Cheating Creativity

30 de julio de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

I have actually been accused of cheating. In art! It boggles my mind. *This cartoon was originally published on INFJoe on August 25, 2013.

La vida real de las figuras de origami
It’s All How You Look at It

16 de julio de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

I recently got an iPad for traveling abroad. I wanted to be able to write and draw without lugging my trusty (but heavy) laptop around, as well as paper, pens, scanner, etc. I’ve been doing my recent “origami” cartoons on my iPad with the Paper app by 53 and a Wacom Tech Corp. Bamboo stylus. *This cartoon was originally published on INFJoe on August 23, 2013.

La vida real de las figuras de origami
What Did I Do with that Winning Ticket?

2 de julio de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

You can fold just about anything that’s paper: Post-its, dollar bills, gum wrappers, empty sugar packets, etc. *This cartoon was originally published on INFJoe on August 22, 2013.

La vida real de las figuras de origami
Life Is So Complicated

18 de junio de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

The trickier the folds, the more complicated origami gets. The more challenging, and yes, the more rewarding. *This cartoon was originally published on INFJoe on August 21, 2013.  

La vida real de las figuras de origami
Works in Progress

4 de junio de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

While I’m folding origami, people often try to guess what I’m making before I’m finished. We are all works in progress and don’t know what we will yet become. *This cartoon was originally published on INFJoe on August 20, 2013.

La vida real de las figuras de origami
Another “Real Lives of Origami Figures”

21 de mayo de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

For those who have never folded a crane before, there comes a point at the end where you choose which of the two “tails” will be the bird’s head. Once decided, it’s just a matter of a simple inside reverse fold to form it.   *This cartoon was originally published on INFJoe on August 19, 2013.

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