BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140112T000000Z DTEND:20140112T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Experience the spirit and exuberance of the contemporary\, yet ancient\, art of Japanese ink painting: sumi-e. Learn to create classic th emes and techniques\, called the Four Gentlemen: bamboo\, orchid\, chrysan themum\, and plum blossom. Each theme introduces a different stroke or ide a. Students will end by painting a horse to celebrate 2014\, the year of t he horse.\n\nIn Japan\, sumi-e was first introduced in the 7th Century AD by Japanese scholars returning from a visit to China. Chinese calligraphy and painting became uniquely adapted to Japanese culture and identity. Zen Buddhist priests also used sumi-e as a Zen exercise and discipline. Many Western artists\, especially the Impressionists\, studied sumi-e or have b een influenced by its beauty and freedom of expression.\n&nbsp\;All levels are welcome.\n\nThe instructor is:<strong>&nbsp\;</strong>Shirley Lin Kin oshita\n\n<strong><em>SHIRLEY LIN KINOSHITA&nbsp\;</em></strong><em>is an experienced artist and instructor of Asian brush painting and watercolor. She has taught at Hakone Gardens\, for adult education programs\, and priv ately in her home. Shirley is an instructor and member of the Sumi-e Socie ty of America.</em>\n<em></em>\n<span style="font-size: 12px\;">Cost: $10 class fee plus admission to the museum (non-members\, $5\; students and se niors over age 65\, $3\; JAMsj members and children under 12\, free).&nbsp \;<em>Class fee is reduced to $5 for members who are active volunteers at the museum. An small additional materials fee (cash only) will be collecte d at the beginning of class.&nbsp\;</em>\n<span style="font-size: 12px\;"> <em></em>\nClass is limited to 20 students. There is a 5 student minimum. Reserve your spot today by contacting<a href="mailto:PublicPrograms@jamsj. org"></a>&nbsp\;or calling (408) 294-3138. DTSTAMP:20240604T051811Z SUMMARY:Art Class: Sumi-e for the New Year URL:/en/events/2014/01/12/art-class-sumi-e-for-the-new-year/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR