UCLA Nikkei Student Union Culture Night 2008


The Nikkei Student Union at UCLA hosted its 22nd annual Culture Night on Monday, Febrary 18, 2008 at Royce Hall.

The performance centered around a play about the Japanese American struggles for Redress and Reparations in the 1980's. The play was supplemented with performances by NSU's three performance groups, NSU Odori, NSU Modern and Kyodo Taiko.

This collection features a few pictures of the performers and the performance. For more information regarding the Nikkei Student Union at UCLA, please visit www.nikkeibruins.org.

Slides in this album 

2008 NSU Culture Night Logo

This logo was used for flyers and programs to promote the 2008 NSU Culture Night, titled "This Movement of Ours." The said "movement" is the Japanese Americans' fight for Redress and Reparations.

"This Movement of Ours" - logo
Contributed by: eishida

NSU Modern - '80's Workout Video

NSU Modern, a hip hop team, opened the show with their fun, colorful and innovative '80's-inspired dance number.

UCLA NSU Culture Night '08 - NSU Modern
Contributed by: eishida

NSU Drama - Scene 1

Modern's routine was followed by a Michael Jackson-inspired number performed by the culture night cast. That number was followed by this scene, where three friends enjoy one another's company while playing video games.

UCLA NSU Culture Night '08 - Drama
Contributed by: eishida

NSU Odori

A few scenes later, the NSU Odori girls took the stage to perform their first piece. They wore beautiful kimonos and used bright-colored fans to impress the audience.

UCLA NSU Culture Night '08 - Odori
Contributed by: eishida

Kyodo Taiko girls

Towards the end of the first half of the show, the Kyodo Taiko girls began preparing to take the stage by flexing their muscles for the camera!

UCLA NSU CN '08 - Kyodo Girls
Contributed by: eishida

Kyodo Taiko girls in action

The warm-ups backstage must have worked. Here, the girls perform "Tenbatsu," composed by Kyodo Taiko senior Candice Shikai.

UCLA NSU Cultural Night - "Tenbatsu"
Contributed by: eishida

Kyodo Taiko boys

While the girls were onstage, the boys began to warm up backstage as well. Although, it looks as if only senior Dan Kao is stretching his muscles, while the other boys are showing how tough they think they are.

NSU CN '08 - Kyodo Boys
Contributed by: eishida

Kyodo Taiko boys 2

Here, the boys play "Shingeki," composed by Daisuke Arai. It is a song in miyake stance, which is very low and tiring. The boys practiced many hours to prepare for this piece.

UCLA NSU Cultural Night - "Shingeki"
Contributed by: eishida

NSU Modern - Mummies!

NSU Modern opened the second half of the show with this routine, full of mummies and Eyptians! It was very entertaining, and a little scary too!

UCLA NSU Culture Night '08 - NSU Modern
Contributed by: eishida

NSU Drama - Court

This is a court scene from the play, meant to represent the many hours spent in court by those who were fighting for Redress and Reparations.

UCLA NSU Culture Night '08 - Drama
Contributed by: eishida

TOM - Odori

At the end of every Culture Night, the three performance groups come together and perform and dance number. This number is called TOM, and stands for "Taiko," "Odori" and "Modern." Here, you see Odori struttin' their stuff during their portion of TOM.

UCLA NSU Culture Night '08 - Odori
Contributed by: eishida

NSU CN '08 - Entire Cast

At the end of every show, the entire cast gathers on stage to show appreciation to those that made the show possible. Flowers and hugs were passed out to all of the coordinators, backstage crew, etc. Once thank you's have been given out, the entire cast participates in removing spiking …

UCLA NSU Culture Night '08 - Thank You's
Contributed by: eishida

Album Type

online exhibition

eishida — Last modified Jun 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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