BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221029T000000Z DTEND:20221030T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>OAA'S VIRTUAL </strong><strong>WORLD UCHINAANCHU DAY</s trong><strong> CELEBRATION</strong>\n\nSpecial online screenings of <str ong>Ryūkyūkoku Matsuri Daiko Los Angeles Branch's </strong><strong>25th Anniversary Concert </strong>featuring members from 6 countries!\n\n<stron g>October 29th (Saturday) &amp\; 30th (Sunday)\n</strong>Showings at 12 no on\, 4 p.m.\, and 8 p.m. Pacific Time\n<a href=" tennial" target="_blank">WATCH HERE</a>\n\nTo commemorate World Uchinaanch u Day\, the OAA teamed up with the <strong>Los Angeles Branch of Ryukyuko ku Matsuri Daiko</strong> for special online showings of their monumental 25th Anniversary Concert\, which was an international celebration <stron g>featuring members from Uchinaa (Okinawa Island)\, Myaaku (Miyako Island) \, Argentina\, Bolivia\, Brazil\, Peru\, and across the U.S.!</strong>\n\ nWith that concert being an international affair represented by SIX countr ies\, we felt that showing the recording would be a perfect way to virtua lly celebrate World Uchinaanchu WEEKEND: There will be <strong>three sho wings on both Saturday and Sunday\, </strong>each one featuring a <stro ng>live chat </strong>to interact with fellow viewers.\n\nFilmed in Febr uary 2020\, this was one of the last community gatherings many of us atten ded before the lockdown.\n\n<strong>\nWhat is "World Uchinaanchu Day"?「 世界のウチナーンチュの日」とは?</strong>\n\nAt the closin g ceremony of the 6th <strong>Worldwide Uchinaanchu Taikai/Festival 世 界のウチナーンチュ大会</strong> – a massive\, global “home coming” for the descendants of Okinawan immigrants – in 2016\, the lat e-Okinawa Prefecture Governor Takeshi Onaga announced that October 30 woul d henceforth be declared as World Uchinaanchu Day (WUD). The idea was prop osed by <strong>Andres Higa</strong> and <strong>Tadashi Andres Ysa Urb ina</strong>\, third-generation Okinawan descendants from Argentina and Pe ru\, respectively.\n\nThey took to the stage at the closing ceremony with a powerful message: <strong>“We have gratitude for our ancestors in our hearts. We have love for all those we meet in our hearts. We have love fo r our ancestral home in our hearts.”</strong> The speech -- spoken in J apanese with a large screen displaying English\, Portuguese\, and Spanish translations -- was received with loud cheers from the audience.\n\n<stron g>“[Today] Uchinaanchu of the world have gathered once again\, and once again our hearts have become one. Let us celebrate the fact that we are al l Uchinaanchu.”</strong> (<a href=" eX22BXo" target="_blank">Click here to watch the full speech</a>) DTSTAMP:20240602T234254Z SUMMARY:Okinawan Concert Screenings: Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko L.A. 25th Ann iversary (ONLINE) URL:/en/events/2022/10/29/okinawan-concert-screenings-ryukyukoku-matsuri-da / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR