Material contribuído por myvisittomanzanar

Reaction of Brazilian Japanese community to the "JR Pass controversy"

Takamichi "Taka" Go

For Japanese who have emigrated overseas, that is, the first generation, visiting Japan after emigrating has a special meaning. It is not only a way to update relatives and friends living in Japan and renew old friendships, but also a kind of "ritual" to reaffirm the "connection" with Japan in …

Judo Observation Group: Reflecting on the "Connection" between Japanese Americans and Japanese People

Takamichi "Taka" Go

Judo has been an important cultural activity in the Japanese American community since its early days. In the 1930s, despite the Great Depression, there were Japanese American groups all over the country that worked to promote international friendship through judo. In Southern California, the Southern California Kodokan Judo Dan Association …

Young people who left Japan: Japanese overseas migration in the 21st century

Takamichi "Taka" Go

Japanese government-led overseas migration of Japanese people is said to have ceased in the spring of 1973, when the last immigrant ship, the Nippon Maru, departed Yokohama bound for Brazil. However, people continue to emigrate to other countries for reasons such as studying abroad, international marriage, and employment. The number …

Taro Fukuda - The Japanese-American who supported the "mastermind of Japan"

Takamichi "Taka" Go

Although many Japanese people came to Japan after the legal reform in 1990, they are still not familiar to Japanese people. However, their presence has been seen in various parts of Japanese society since the early Showa period. In this article, I would like to introduce the Japanese people who …

Reading Gennosuke Nagasaki's portrayal of Japanese Americans: "I'm currently renting"

Takamichi "Taka" Go

You can also find Japanese people in Japanese children's literature . I myself have known about this work for quite some time, but for a long time I didn't pay it much attention. However, a few years ago, when I had the opportunity to learn about a study on the …

The story of an elderly Issei

Takamichi "Taka" Go

Mr. Y, a native of Kagoshima Prefecture who came to California through the California Agricultural Worker Program, was working hard under the scorching sun with several dozen fellow Armenian colleagues at a vineyard run by an Armenian family in Indio, near the Arizona border in the southern part of the …

With the melody of jazz - Jazz musician Ihara Richard

Takamichi "Taka" Go

At Cedar Creek Inn Restaurant in Brea, Southern California, you can enjoy drinks and meals while listening to live jazz music at the bar in the restaurant from Friday night to weekends. This restaurant is one of the popular spots for locals because attractive jazz musicians based in Southern California …

Shoichi Ban and the postwar Japanese government's immigration policy

Takamichi "Taka" Go

If the name Shoichi Ban rings a bell, you may be familiar with the relationship between Japan and mainland China. Ban served as Japanese envoy to China from 1977 to 1980 and is known as one of the diplomats who built the foundation for close relations with mainland China. Mr. …

End of Year Luncheon

community history

California Agricultural Trainee (カリフォルニア農業研修生) (Supplemental Japanese Agricultural Workers Program, 1956-1965) End of Year Luncheon @ Shin-Yokohama Prince Hotel December 11, 2014 (11AM to 2PM) ( Supplemental Japanese Agricultural Workers Program …

The failed proposal to appoint a Japanese ambassador to Japan - "Japanese circumstances" stood in the way of Rep. Inoue

Takamichi "Taka" Go

A Japanese-American should become ambassador to Japan. The first person to propose this to the Japanese government was the late Congressman Ken Inoue (Daniel Inouye). Congressman Inoue believed that having a Japanese-American serve as ambassador to Japan would not only benefit both the United States and Japan, but would also …

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はじめまして、わたしは郷崇倫(ごう たかみち)と申します。日系リビングレガシーと,おもいでプロジェクトの代表をつとめています。オーラル・ヒストリーをとおして、日系アメリカ人と日本人の歴史を研究しています。現在は,カリフォルニア農業研修生(派米農業労務者/短農)の研究とインタビューを行っています。どうぞ宜しくお願いします。


Updated: January 28, 2014


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