Descubra Nikkei

Chris Hope


Chris Hope é advogado, escritor e diretor de Hatsumi – A jornada de uma avó através do internamento nipo-canadense . Seu filme mais recente como produtor, The Wrecking Crew , ganhou o UK Music Video Award de Melhor Documentário em 2015.

Atualizado em janeiro de 2016

Stories from This Author

Comemorando 55 anos de serviço e autodefesa

14 de Novembro de 2018 • Chris Hope

No início deste ano, tive a honra de presentear Shihan Kei Tsumura, fundador do Clube de Karatê do Centro Cultural Japonês Canadense (JCCC) em Toronto, com o Prêmio de Serviço Comunitário Don Valley West por excelentes contribuições voluntárias na cidade de Toronto. Foi mais um prêmio de serviço comunitário para a coleção de Tsumura, para marcar seu 55º aniversário como fundador e Mestre Sensei do clube JCCC. Shihan Tsumura é um dos praticantes de Karate Shito-ryu Itosu-kai mais bem classificados …

Internment Musical deixa sua marca na Broadway, mas está programado para fechar em 14 de fevereiro de 2016

26 de Janeiro de 2016 • Chris Hope

Todas as coisas boas têm um fim, mas esse fim está chegando muito cedo. No final de outubro, tive o privilégio de assistir a uma prévia de Allegiance no Longacre Theatre, na Broadway. Fiquei mais do que um pouco apreensivo com a ideia de um musical de internamento, mas depois de testemunhar a abordagem que a equipe por trás de Allegiance adotou com o show, rapidamente desenvolvi a firme convicção de que a produção tinha o potencial de representar a …

To Be Takei

15 de Maio de 2014 • Chris Hope

“A musical?” says Leonard Nimoy, “on that?” He bursts out laughing. “A musical about the internment?” asks U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye, wincing, “no, I would have never imagined that.” Actor, activist, and media personality George Takei has had an interesting life, but the new documentary To Be Takei so unflinchingly sheds such light on the struggles he has triumphed over that audiences can’t help but to leave inspired. We all recall his days as Sulu at the helm of the …

Top Legal Award Re-dedicated In Honor Of Senator Daniel K. Inouye

16 de Dezembro de 2013 • Chris Hope

At the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association national convention in Kansas City on November 8, NAPABA’s highest honour, formerly the NAPABA Trailblazer Award, was re-dedicated as the Senator Daniel K. Inouye NAPABA Trailblazer Award to serve as an ongoing tribute the achievements of U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye (1924-2012). NAPABA represents over 40,000 Asian lawyers and judges in the U.S. and approximately 3,000 Asian lawyers, judges, and students in Canada, through the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL). NAPABA …

70th Anniversary of the Japanese American/Japanese Canadian Internment: Redress, Remember, Relate – Contrasting the Japanese American and Japanese Canadian Internment Experiences in Washington D.C. - Part 2

27 de Dezembro de 2012 • Chris Hope

Read Part 1 >> In contrast to Kawakami and Minami’s discussions that focused on the fact that it was the incremental gains of specific legal victories that lead to the redress in the U.S., it was very interesting to learn from Justice Omatsu that the Canadian road to redress was, comparatively, much more collectivist and political in nature. In Canada we had no banner cases or new “bright line” precedents to turn to, but the fight for the hearts and minds …

70th Anniversary of the Japanese American/Japanese Canadian Internment: Redress, Remember, Relate – Contrasting the Japanese American and Japanese Canadian Internment Experiences in Washington D.C. - Part 1

20 de Dezembro de 2012 • Chris Hope

On November 15, I travelled to Washington D.C. to appear in a panel assembled to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Japanese American and Japanese Canadian internments at the annual conference of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). In attendance were 1,800 lawyer-delegates from across North America. The panel I presented with consisted of Dale Minami, Rod Kawakami, and Justice Maryka Omatsu. Minami and Kawakami are two of the architects of the legal challenges that led to the …

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