Descubra Nikkei

On telling his wife he had radiation sickness and his son’s cancer

When we decided to get married back in 1962, way before you were born, '62, I told my wife that I have a background, the radiation. I had radiation sickness, that basically I told her I may not live that long. But I fooled her, I'm still alive. But you know, then we discussed—is there any possibility of offspring having problems.

I talked about the three traumas I had, the A Bomb, coming back to Yokogawa. The third one was when we came back to [the] United States, that was a traumatic event. Well, fourth one happened after we got married. We had three children, two girls and one boy. The oldest one being the boy. Well at age of five, he got cancer and died. So, now, is that because of the radiation? Or something else? I always inquired of the doctor, I said, “Gee, what do you think?” He said, “No, there’s no correlation between that and the death of your son."

But, I have two wonderful daughters. One, well they’re both I think close to 50 or one’s over 50. I have four grandchildren, two of each sex. And they seem to be pretty healthy. So maybe the death of my son was a fluke and something that would have happened had I not been in the A-Bomb.

bomba atômica sobreviventes da bomba atômica câncer crianças hibakusha casamentos radiação

Data: September 3, 2019

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Masako Miki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Howard Kakita nasceu em 1938 em East Los Angeles, Califórnia. Sua família o levou para o Japão em 1940. Seus pais e o irmão mais novo voltaram para os Estados Unidos em 1940 para cuidar dos negócios da família, mas Howard e um irmão mais velho, Kenny, ficaram no Japão.

Quando a guerra eclodiu, sua família nos EUA foi encarcerada em Poston, AZ. Em 6 de agosto de 1945, a bomba atômica foi lançada em Hiroshima. Howard estava a 1,3km do hipocentro e sobreviveu. Ele e Kenny voltaram para os EUA e reuniram-se com sua família em 1948.

Howard seguiu carreira em Engenharia da Computação. Após sua aposentadoria, ingressou na American Society Hiroshima-Nagasaki Survivors Bomb Atomic (ASA) e tem compartilhado ativamente sua experiência com a bomba atômica. (Setembro de 2019)

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