MIS Historic Learning Center: Ground Breaking Ceremony!

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Community Event

Ago 201127
11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.

Building 640 in the Presidio of San Francisco
640 Mason St. in the Presidio of San Francisco
San Francisco, California
United States

Please join us at a Ground Breaking Ceremony at Building 640 in the Presidio of San Francisco - the future home of the Military Intelligence Service Historic Learning Center.  Bring a picnic lunch! 

Directions to Building 640 - Crissy Field from Japantown:Go West on Post St. toward Presidio. Right on Presidio. Enter Presidio @ Presidio Gate. Follow Presidio Blvd. down hill. At Stop sign, Presidio Blvd. becomes Lincoln Blvd. Follow Lincoln Blvd. through stop sign as it curves to the left. Turn right on Halleck. Turn left on Old Mason Road. Follow Old Mason Road past SPORTS BASEMENT (on left). Building 640 is on the left. Park in front or side of Building 640.

Click here for more information on the MIS Historic Learning Center.


njahsdev . Atualizado em Ago 15, 2011 1:34 p.m.

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